Problem solved

On June 5, I posted a question because the formatting of my posts had changed without any intervention of my part. The spacings between title and text and between text and date plus labels had disappeared mysteriously. I received no useful answers.

I then consulted my "very personal help desk" : they solved the problem almost immediately. It appears that the basis template of Blogger which I use had changed too and my excellent friends Carlo en Koen put things in order quite rapidly.

I am a computer illitterate. Software programs are black boxes to me. Thanks to them, there always is a solution whenever "je suis le bec dans l'eau" and that happens quite often !

I owe an everlasting debt to those guys - an ex colleague and his son - who are always ready to help. Without them there never would have been a blog because my PC would have been defenestrated years ago !

Nay ! My PCs would never have been installed in the first place !

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