Lest we forget

"People in the Indian city of Bhopal have been marking 25 years since a leak at a gas plant killed thousands and made many more seriously ill.

Activists and survivors marched through the city, holding torches and chanting slogans against Union Carbide - the US firm that owned the plant at the time.

The incident was the worst industrial disaster in history.

Tons of a deadly toxin called methyl isocyanate leaked from the factory and settled over slums around the plant.

Campaigners say the effects of the gas continue to this day."

Read : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8392206.stm.

Een van de "hoogtepunten" van het wild kapitalisme. Verschrikkelijk !! Gemeten aan de kost in mensenlevens en gebroken levens was dit een veel ergere ramp dan 09.11. Er is echter een groot verschil : het gebeurde "maar" in India.

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