
One of my correspondents indicates that there was (is) a place named Nokere near Viane, south of Geraardsbergen.

The family name Van den Neucker is not uncommon in the region around Geraardsbergen - a short look at Geneanet suffices to see that. One tends to find the family name Neu(c)kermans slightly more to the north of Geraardsbergen, mostly around Ninove. But these are dangerous generalisations - the name Neuckermans was also known near Enghien.

In as far as I know there are two geographical centers for the Van den Neucker family name ; the region around Geraardsbergen, Enghien and Ninove ; and in and around Boom. Maybe, somewhere in a distant past, all the name bearers go back on a common ancestor, but the name derives from the walnut tree (oker) and that type of tree will not have been an uncommon presence in our past ... I would not dare to write that all the Van der Eycken, Van der Wilghen, Van der Linden a.s.o. go back on a common ancestor ...

It may not be totally useless to list some of the family names derived from the walnut tree.
My source is the "Woordenboek van de familienamen in België en Noord-Frankrijk" written by Dr Frans Debrabandere :

De Neucker, de Neuker, de Nucker, van de(n) Neucker, van den Euker, van de Neuken, Neu(c)kermans, Neukerman(s), Neu(c)kelmance, Nokerman(s), Nockerman, Nonckreman, Neukelmans, Neuquelman, Nuckelmans, Nuchelmans, Nuggelmans, Nochelmans, Ukelmans, Okerman(s), Ockerman, Ocreman, Ocqueman ...

Let it be known that I have nothing but disdain for the stupid morons who start grinning when I say I have Neukermanses in my family tree.

By the way, there also is a Nokere near Kruishoutem.


pablo said...

I now hear there was a mistake in the published information. One should read Okere and not Nokere. The location now is a part of Lessines.

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MVdn said...

Beste, waar heeft u al deze informatie vandaan omtrent de familie Van den Neucker uit Tollembeek ?
Dit interesseert me enorm. Wij maken op dit ogenblik een stamboom op van deze familie.
Kan je contact met me opnemen ? Bij voorbaat bedankt.
M. Vdn

B.N. said...

Hallo M.,
(waarschijnlijk uit Pamel/Roosdaal??)

Indien je niet afgeneigd bent van Facebook, zou ik je uitnodigen in het familiegroepje...

Anders moet ik je mijn e-mailadres eens bezorgen via je neef W. (?), die ook al in het groepje zit.


One of the correspondents said...

Excuse me the mistake. I meant Okeren in stead of Nokere. The name Okeren appears on an old Mercator-map at the place that is now called Twee-Akren (Deux-Acren).

Pablo Carpintero said...

Hallo MVdn, BN trok mijn aandacht op je vraag. Ik zal met veel plezier contact opnemen "if and when" ik een e-mail adres van je gekregen heb.