Nude hiking

From AP :

Appenzell, Switzerland – Voters in the heart of the Swiss Alps have banned naked hiking after dozens of mostly German nudists started rambling through their picturesque region.

By a show of hands citizens of the tiny canton (state) of Appenzell Inner Rhodes voted overwhelmingly at their traditional open-air annual assembly to impose a 200 Swiss franc fine on violators.

Only a scattering of people on Sunday opposed the ban on the back-to-nature activity that took off last autumn.

The cantonal government recommended the ban after determining that citizens had found nude hiking to be "thoroughly disturbing and irritating."

A similar legal move is expected in neighboring Appenzell Outer Rhodes with legislation being prepared against "this shameless behavior."

See :

The makings of a nightmare ! Germans ... and hiking in the nude !!! I can see it right now, and I hate the sight.

Our Swiss friends know what is important. They remained neutral in world war two but are taking a totally and esthetically justified position now.

Germans hiking in the nude ??? A real nightmare. And believe me or not, I'm dead serious.

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