
Yesterday evening I was leafing through "Het oude land van Edingen en omliggende", number 3, july to september 1989, and I (re)discovered some interesting tracks.

-- De Vidts

I see that in 1586-1593 a Jacques De Vidts was sheriff or bailiff (meier) of the Hernegewoud. Jacques De Vidts died after 1622. He became a member of the guild of John the Baptist on June 24 1594. He was master of the guild for various periods up to 1608 (data available). He was a member of its "coninxtabel" (?) in 1598-1599. He was a vassal (liege-man) of Hainaut, and sheriff (meier) of het Hernegewoud in 1586.

De Vits Hannibal, possibly a son of Willem ("pachter" of hof ten Brugge) and Juliane Ost, was a vassal (liege-man) of Hainaut and alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1559-1570).

That means that at the time when my first De Vidts were recorded in Pamel, there already were people with the same name elsewhere in the region. Family ? Maybe yes, maybe not. My inherent hypothesis that Pamel was the cradle of the family doesn't look so solid any more ...

-- Ravijst

I still do not know where the Ravijst family came from - I am stuck in the early 19th century. There certainly were early branches around Asse and Opwijk but in 1681 a Nicolaas Ravets was mayor (burgemeester) in Tollembeek.

In the sixteenth en seventeenth century there were various Fiefvets, Fievetz, Fievetz and Fiefvetz who were aldermen (schepenen) in het Hernegewoud. I list the people whose name is very close to Ravijst :

Ravets Guillam, son of Claes, was married to Catharine Van den Leene ; he was an alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1621.

Ravets Nicolaas (Claes), was an alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1655-1662 and, as stated before, mayor of Tollembeek in 1681 (a question mark has been added to the second mention of his mayorship). He must have been the grandson of Claes, father of Guillam.

Ravetz Nikolaas was a farmer (pachter) in Tollembeek and an alderman in 1749-1752.

Ravetz Philips was married to Cathelyne Reygaerts. He was a farmer (pachter), member of the guild of Our Lady, alderman of Tollembeek in 1681 and in 1709-1711, and "maieur" around 1700.

-- Neukermans

Other aldermen in het Hernegewoud were (not in chronological order) :

Vanden Neucker Adriaen, son of Glaude and Elisabeth Lanton. Adriaen was born in Tollembeek. He lived in the "hof Van den Neucker" in the Vollezelestraat (Tollembeek). He was one of the first members of the guild of Our Lady. He was a vassal or liege-man (leenman) of Hainaut (on 05.11.1660) and an alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1685-1700.

This is the second time I see a reference to a Vanden Neucker farm, which might, or might not, be the cradle of the Neukermans family. Adriaen was a very common name in the family.

Vanden Neuckere Glaude, son of Guillaume, was born and married in Tollembeek. His wife was Elisabeth Lanton. He was a vassal or liege-man (leenman) of Hainaut (22.02.1646) and an alderman of Tollembeek in 1650 - 1652.

Vanden Neuckere Denys was alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1652.

Vanden Neuckere Jan, son of Guillaume, died before 1687. He may have been a brother of Glaude. He lived in Tollembeek and probably owned hof Hondsocht after his father's death. He was alderman of the gewoud in 1653 and member of the council to support the poor (mambour van de armen) in 1685.

Vanden Neucker Jan, lived on the hof Vanden Neucker in Tollembeek. He was an alderman of Tollembeek in 1723-1724 and mayor (burgemeester) in 1737.

Neuckerman Jan was an alderman of the Hernegewoud in 1608.

Neuckermans Joos was an alderman of the gewoud in 1628 and 1634.

These are among the very earliest mentions of the name that I am aware of.

-- Timmermans

No Timmermans were mentioned.

Conclusion : my roots in Tollembeek may (or may not) be a lot deeper than I ever expected. But let me be perfectly clear : for none of the people mentioned in this post do I have proof that they fit in my familytree.


Anonymous said...

yes.. thanks for post

pablo said...

Come again ??

Bruno said...

Nu het me gelukt is om een commentaartje te posten, heb ik een vraagje:
Wat is een "alderman" in het Nederlands?

pablo said...

Hallo Bruno.

Ik gebruik alderman als equivalent voor schepen.

me again said...

Wat zou je zeggen over de plaatsnaam Nokere, een stukje ten Zuiden van Geraardsbergen en ongeveer ergens ten westen van Viane? Deze plaatsnaam, die ik in het Plantijn-Moretus-museum op een oude kaart zag, lijkt wel verdacht op de oude vorm van de naam Van de Nokere, en het ligt ook nog niet te ver uit de buurt.
Het lijkt ongeveer overeen te komen met het moderne Deux-Acres (Henegouwen) en Akrenbos (Oost-Vlaanderen).

pablo said...

Interessant ! Over dat Nokere had ik nog nooit iets gehoord. Wordt die naam nog gebruikt ? Was het een plaatsnaam of de naam van een hoeve ?

Er is ook nog Nokere (van Nokere Koerse) te Kruishoutem.

Het enige wat zo goed als zeker is : al die namen gaan terug op de notenboom ...

Anonymous said...
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MVdn said...

Please take contact with me. This information is very usefull for my research in genealogy.

Pablo Carpintero said...

Bruno just warned me about the reaction of M. Vdn. which is exactly one month old.

I am quite willing to contact you, but an e-mail address would be very useful ...