
Yesterday night my expert friends in Antwerp took over my laptop because for a couple of days I had been unable to add or correct posts in my blog under Internet Explorer. The order simply is not executed. Apparently something is wrong with my settings because a couple of cookies for Blogger have been blocked and we found no way to undo that block. There also is a problem with the reported time - I can change it as often as I want, it always returns to October 20, 6:28 pm. I have no such problem with Firefox.

Finally, we didn't find the solution yet, so I now work with Firefox. But analyzing these problems has given us the opportunity to see once more how customer unfriendly the help on Blogger is : there is a lot of explanations but almost never for the specific problem at hand.

Setting up a blog is extremely simple, but woe and behold when a problem arises ...

And then this morning for a couple of hours, Blogger was completely inaccessible.

I am seriously thinking about moving to another blogging platform. But are there "more reliable" ones ??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
