May 10 1940

Very early in the bright morning of May 10 1940 the German Nazis invaded Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. After terrible sufferings and bloodshed, the largest part of Belgium was liberated in the fall of 1944, but the von Rundstedt offensive around Christmas 1944 put the fear of the Hun occupation in the hearts of many of my compatriots again. Fortunately, the US army stopped them in their tracks.

My father fought for his country, first in the "achttiendaagse veldtocht" and later in the armed resistance, de "Witte Brigade" Fidelio. And he didn't join in 1944, as so many would-be patriots did.

How the world has changed ... now, many politicians do their utmost to destroy the country saved by the heroism of its population and its liberators. And the image of the USA, who played the largest role in our liberation, and for which we are eternally grateful, has not grown any better either ...

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