May 29

Birthday of (one of) the last male Neukermans in Okegem, or how a frequent family name in a given location can disappear in a couple of generations.

My maternal grandparents had four grandsons and three granddaughters : two of the grandsons bear the name Neukermans and both of them had female offspring only ; the offspring of my grandfather's brothers are spread all over, but none remain in Okegem.
And the offspring of my great-grandfather's only brother is not to be found in Okegem either.

Fortunately, in the female lines, many descendants remain, but the family name Neukermans will probably disappear from Okegem.

Never mind. Such is life, and I am not a male chauvinist pig - at least, I hope I am not.

Happy birthday, Guy !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry voor mijn late reactie. Ben pas terug van vakantie in Zuid-Spanje. Bedankt voor je verjaardagswensen met het besef dat de tijd vliegt en we maar ouder worden. That's life zeker! De groetjes.