February 11 2008 ...

... was the 150th anniversary of the first of eighteen apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. In the middle of winter, sixty to seventy thousand pilgrims assembled in Lourdes, France to commemorate this day and to give thanks. I was one of them. An unforgettable, deeply moving experience - one of the highlights of my life.

Lourdes indeed is a place where heaven touches earth, a fountain of faith, hope and love, and one of my favorite destinations. And don't you dare to talk about mass hysteria. The fact that Lourdes exists and that popular interest continues to grow while churches empty is a small miracle in itself. Five to six million pilgrims visit Lourdes every year.

The video shows the end of the procession of light at the eve of the anniversary (on February 10 2008). I was there too, thank God.

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

Ik zeg alijd - je bent economist of je bent het niet - de winkel van Ons Heer die trekt niet meer, maar die van zijn Moeder, daar is geen omkijken naar ...
Velen vinden dit oneerbiedig, maar het is wel de waarheid !