And I like this too

One day after the chairman of the Société Générale (who ? me ???) said that his resignation is out of the question, a vivid reaction came from a rather unexpected source : the president of the French Republic.

"I just don't understand the Societe Generale situation. When the chairman of a company experiences a disaster of this magnitude and he does not assume the consequences of this, that is not normal," Sarkozy was quoted as saying in an interview with Le Parisien.

"For someone to make 7 million euros a year does not shock me. But on one condition, that he assumes his responsibilities. That's what the problem is with Daniel Bouton," added Sarkozy.

"I've got nothing against him. But you can't say 'I'm going to be paid 7 million euros a year' and then, when there's a problem, say 'It's not me.' That, I cannot accept."

See :

I never expected the French president to react in this way : he indeed is a "bigger" man than I thought. Maybe it was not smart for him to say this, but it happens to be the pure, unadulterated truth ! Bravo, Mr Sarkozy !!

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