Ralph Nader

The 74-year old "consumer activist" decided to run for president as an independent. This is his third shot at the presidency.

I can't stand the prick, never could, from the early sixties on. Without his ill fated candidature in 2000, Dubya never might have made it to the presidency.

That being said, he has an excellent reason to run : he said that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans were addressing problems facing Americans. He called Washington "corporate occupied territory" that turns the government against the interests of the people.

He might very well be right there!

See : http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidateFeed1/idUSN24503020080224.

But, as I know, and as Nader knows - he is not stupid - seeing and listing the problems is easy. Solving them is an entirely different kettle of fish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of zoals president Sarkozy zei tot een toeschouwer die weigerde hem de hand te schudden : "Casse toi, pauvre con !"