Bumpy landing

of a Swissair plane at London City airport, January 17 2008. A sturdy little plane what ?

I think I'll ride the chunnel next time around.


nadine paduart said...

Bangelijk -

Lebbercherrie said...

It must be such fun to be on that plane! Yeee-ha!!

(this would be the only time the pilot deserved an applause. Can't understand people who applaud an airline pilot, do they do the same on the bus?)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Applauding a pilot after the landing is bizarre and ridiculous. But I have always thought it is a sudden release of fear by people who are not frequent flyers : in Flemish technical terms a "dichtgenepen billen landing".

Lebbercherrie said...

Let's hope it's only fear they 'suddenly release'. :-)

The most scary moment I ever had in a plane was coming back from Cuba when a friend got a peanut allergy. Unable to breathe, above the atlantic ocean, miles away from the nearest city. Afterwards the stewards of the Dutch airplane company asked me why she didn't know it was a peanutbutter sauce on food meat. I responded: "Only a Dutchman would put peanutbuttersauce on a fine piece of meat. We're Belgian."

Pablo Carpintero said...

Right you are, on both points.