
Civic duty, civic pride and striving for the common wealth have all but disappeared from our society.

These noble principles disappeared from government, from politics, from "interest groups" such as producers and consumers, from individuals. We are interested in our own well being and wealth exclusively. Period.

And this holds in the relations between individuals within a nation, but also between nations and continents.

Solidarity has become a dirty word. F*** solidarity ! Ikke, ikke, ikke en de rest kan stikke. Alexander, alles voor mij en niets voor een ander.

OK, I grant you, that has always been a very strong tendency, but there were structures and authorities fighting that tendency, sometimes successfully.

I wonder where all this is going to end ? In a burning planet, after a prolongued period in the gutter ?

If I were an evangelical christian, I might just start to believe that we are living the end times !

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