
For the umptieth time since independence in 1960, the 'neo-colonial' ?? Belgian government has problems with the Congo and its leaders.

I do not understand why - while there is so much misery in the world, and so few resources available for development and help (as opposed to weapons) - we continue to focus on Congo where our "leaders" are treated as imbeciles and dirt. Is it out of guilt, or are the potential rewards so enormous ?

There has been a crisis council of the "kernkabinet" about the Congolese problem which has taken center stage overnight and there is even talk of sending the prime minister over there to pour oil on the waves.

How fortunately that he is available for travel all over the globe and does not have any more urgent problems to address, problems which by the way are much more threatening and potentially lethal for the future of Belgium.

If we continue along the present road, we shall not have to worry about our Belgian consulates in Lubumbasi and Bukavu : there will be no Belgium left to have consulates there.

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

"Our" prime minister will call the Congolese authorities on the phone. That's better than a trip anyway.
I can hear it now : if you are not satisfied : push 1 ; if you want to apologise : push 2 ; if you want to spout hot air push 3 ...