
Absurd and bizarre, and sad, very, very sad. This weekend, "our" prime minister and the political "leadership" have been negotiating the Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde problem.

To my foreign readers : don't ask me to explain the problem to you, I don't understand it myself, but then I'm not frozen in dogmatic ill-will as are our political leaders, left and right, north, south and center.

But the negotiations have not been about a solution ! No, not for a single second. The negotiations are about how to avoid a vote in the chamber next week. That vote could provoke the fall of the government. These negotiations - which apparently failed - were about an additional delay in the decision whether to negotiate a solution to the BHV problem or not.

Have I lost you ? Good, I am utterly and totally lost myself.

I am more and more convinced that the end of Belgium is near, because of the implacable ill-will of a small revanchist minority and the utter cowardice or indifference of the large majority.

And the price we shall have to pay will be enormous !


Anonymous said...

Two words our supremo apparently doesn't know : vision and leadership.

Zimbob said...


Pablo Carpintero said...

yeah, as much as a dead herring.

Anonymous said...

The man is a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Vangaag in de krant : "Tot overmaat van ramp liep de eerste minister ... heel wat schade op."

Kan dat nog ? Kan dat echt nog ???