
Philippe Bodson, one of the Belgian top managers said that the acquisition of Fortis Bank by BNP Paribas was an excellent deal. I think few people would disagree.

He once more regretted that successive Belgian governments did nothing to avoid or to stop the "clearance" sales of Belgium's top companies to foreign groups. He adds that Belgium lost all its top companies and he lists Tractebel, Petrofina and Fortis. Why does no one ever mention CBR in these lists ? This group had built a prominent - and profitable - position in its world markets : none of the other mentioned companies could equal that position in their own markets.

By the way, there is one other highly respected and frequently consulted "top" manager who played a more or less prominent role in the sale of all of these "jewels" of the Belgian economy.

I sincerely hope that history will do him more justice than his present peers, although he himself may think he has no peers because he is so exceptionally brilliant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ceci n'est pas une pipe !