My dear Watson

James Watson, co-Nobel prize1962 for the discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule, claims that Africans are less intelligent than Europeans. He did not offer any proof.

This is not the first "blooper" of this "enfant terrible" : according to my source, he has been known to plead for genetic manipulation so that all females would be born beautiful. He also pleaded for genetic screening and manipulation to cure stupidity. His ?

Generally I like people who make a stand against political correctness. Is Watson a contrarian ?

This looks more like professional idiocy to me, but then I never won a Nobel prize.

Biography :


Ttony said...

Perhaps you don't only have to have made a big discovery to win a Nobel Prize: perhaps you have to be really stupid too!

Anonymous said...

According to CNN 79 year old James Watso, has been suspended from a long held job and apologized for his remarks.