See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours.
In September 1683 the Polish king Jan III Sobieski finally defeated the Turks who had laid siege to Vienna, Austria in their quest to conquer Europe.
See : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna.
In both events, the role of the catholic church had been predominant.
In our days, the Muslim "invasion" of Europe is peaceful but not less dangerous to our present society and culture. The church has almost evaporated and whatever remains of it is no longer interested in "worldly" pursuits.
Who will stop the "invasion" now ? As we say in Flemish : "Derde keer, goede keer" ?
Europe has colonized the greater part of the world from the 16th century on. Now it may be Europe's turn to be colonized. Suffice to compare the respective birth rates of the various population groups. The possible consequences of this evolution are staggering and mind-boggling. European imperialism defeated for ever ?
No civilisation lives forever.
When criticizing the Crusades, it is helpful to keep in mind that the Muslims have tried to invade Europe by intervals from the seventh century on.
And they are still at it (or again at it), now with peaceful means - for the time being.
I agree that over the centuries, Islam has been a major force trying to conquer Europe, much more than Europe trying to reconquer the holy land.
But political correctness obliges us to forget that.
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