In 1226, Saint Francis of Assisi, founder of the Franciscan order, died on October 3 ; he was canonized in 1228. Although not my favorite saint - too many legends alltogether - he probably was one of the most important key figures in the history of christianity, working at a time when the church was corrupt, power drunk and generally falling to pieces.
Also the patron saint of a countless number of my ancestors. And I remember a very naive picture of St Francis preaching to the birds, hanging over the headboard of my grandfather's bed. Cis (Franciscus) Neukermans was his name. In my youthfull innocence, I thought it was St Anthony. I kind of got lost amidst all those saints.
The illustration is part of a fresco by Cimabue.
Hm. Mijn vader, Frans Νeuckermans, heeft eveneens een schilderijtje gemaakt van Franciscus die tot de vogeltjes preekt. In de tijd dat hij nog heel vrolijk en kleurrijk schilderde. Het hing destijds in onze kinderkamer.
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