Fear ?


Zimbob said...

I don't think Dali ever met my sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

How right you are !!

Lebbercherrie said...

Oooooh, you silver-tongued devil...

Anonymous said...

I would have liked to reside for a while in the artist's circle in Paris around that time though. Not particularly with Dali, because he was a commercially driven extravagant ego-booster.
Nevertheless I adore the man's work! Genius in art!

Pablo Carpintero said...

And I was writing about common mortals only.

Lebbercherrie said...

Another quote on fear:

"Have no fear for atomic energy,
'cos none of them can stoppa the time"

a tad bit confusing, but so was the man Bwab Marley himself.

Pablo Carpintero said...

The importance of perception ! To me, it was more about perfection than about fear.