
A terribly boring town in the tiresome and well named Sauerland, where I spent the nine most tedious and useless months of my life in the annoying Belgian army in the early 1960s. The town is so boring I didn't even find a decent picture.

I'll never forgive the army, I'll never forgive Arnsberg. It's a creepy place and a creepy country.

See :

I don't think that much has changed over there, except that they had the good sense to tear down the barracks. At least, that is what I read somewhere.

Maybe I will share some of my horror stories about Arnsberg later on, who knows.


Zimbob said...

I've just googled it and must agree that indeed it seems like a pretty boring place. Pretty though, but boring nonetheless.
And I am over the moon that I didn't have to fulfil my 'duty' and be in the army for a 'while'. I would have probably ended up in jail anyway. Out of sheer protest.
Me being somewhat of a contrarian myself.

Pablo Carpintero said...

Not even really pretty : it's full of Germans. At least I suppose it still is. I feel no need to go and check.

And yes, dear Zimbob, I think you would have seen the cachot from the inside - that I am quite sure of.

I did too : I don't remember why, something to do with ammunition I think, or had I been too outspoken to a sargeant ? Who cares.