Anna Maria (de) Colins

Anna Maria, the maternal grandmother of my great-grandfather Jozef Timmermans (Meerbeke 1858 - 1929) died in Lieferinge where she had been born on November 12 1784.

See the post on "July 11 1839" published last year.

Some more information from the (not always very legible) "Lieferinge gezinsreconstructies 1599 - 1833" by Edgard De Geyter.

Anna Maria was the second of five children born in Lieferinge of "Pro Dom Philippus Max. Ant. Sig. Cam (Hanno - Montana)(*)" who married Petronella Van den Houte in Lieferinge in 1781. Philippus died in Lieferinge in 1800 ; his wife died there in 1818.

I already wrote some articles about my branch of the Colins family, which lost its fortune late in the 18th century. Philippus (jr) was a son of the rather infamous Philippus (de) Colins, lord of Lieferinge and Heetvelde, who married Anna Maria de Schrevel, baronne de Callandt. The baroness died in 1747. Her husband died in 1777 and is buried in the church in Lieferinge.

But Petronella leads us once more to a De Vidts family. Her father was Petrus Van den Houte, "ex Marcke" and her mother Joanna De Vidts from Lieferinge.

Petrus was the son of another Petrus, who lived in Meerbeke. Joanna De Vidts was a daughter of Cornelius De Vidts (Lieferinge) and Van den Borre Joanna Elisabeth. I have no dates yet for these ancestors, but I assume that somewhere in a distant past there was a link between the De Vidts family in Lieferinge and the De Vidts family in Pamel. But the forementioned source yields no clue.

Back to the five (**) children of the unfortunate Philippus De Colins and Petronella Van den Houte :

-- Vincentius, born in Lieferinge in 1782. He died there in 1809.
-- Anna Maria, my ancestor.
-- Theresia Alexandrina Felicia, born in Lieferinge in 1787. She died there in 1800, three days before her father.
-- Albertus Maximilianus, born in Lieferinge in 1790.
-- Adriana Antonia, born in Lieferinge in 1794. She married in Gooik in 1823.

In 1811 Anna Marie De Colins married Philippus (Maximilianus Albertus) Van den Houte (Lieferinge 1779 - 1849). Philippus de Colins (jr), forementioned, was his godfather as well as his father in law, but died in 1800, years before his daughter's wedding.

Anna Maria De Colins and Philippus Van den Houte had five children I know of :

-- Adriana Josepha, born in Lieferinge in 1813.
-- Joanna Maximina, born in Lieferinge in 1814.
-- Jan Baptist, born in Lieferinge in 1816.
-- Maria Anna, born in Lieferinge in 1825. She was the second spouse of my great-great-grandfather Karel Timmermans (Meerbeke 1812 - 1883). She was my great-great-grandmother.
-- Maria Theresia, born in Lieferinge in 1828.

A lot more digging and study is required to get a clear overview of this intricate ragweb of relationships in and around Lieferinge in the17th, 18th and 19th century ...
(*) Hanno-Montana or ex Hannomontana : from Hainaut. Philippus was born in Mons.
(**) In my own research I have a marriage - in 1821 - of Angeline, daughter of Philippus and Petronella, but without further data. Neither Angeline, nor her husband, nor the marriage are mentioned in the Gezinsreconstructies - an oversight ? But the Gezinsreconstructies do mention an Angelina Christina, godmother to a daughter of Adriana Antonia.

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