Fashion climbers

A new fashion trend is developing in Brussels. Last night another two building cranes have been occupied by asylum seekers ("sans papiers"). Six cranes are now occupied by some 40 activists (I am not sure that they are all asylum seekers !).

For once I agree with the relevant administration which describes these actions as senseless and dangerous.

Read :

Do I have some sympathy with these specific asylum seekers ? None whatsoever. They seem to think the have a right to stay and live in this country. They forget that we have the right to deecide who can stay and who cannot. And I do not see the most needy people, such as a desperate mother with children, or sick people in need of urgent care, climb those cranes.

It is a shame indeed that our government is almost criminally negligent in its indecision about regularising the situation of asylum seekers, but that does not mean that the "victims" of that indecision can undertake whichever action pleases them. And that does not alter the fact that they are often supported by people with hidden agendas, which have nothing to do with human rights.

My solution : let the crane people have their way.

With an average six to seven people per crane, life up there cannot be very comfortable. Put a couple of policemen under each crane and seal off all contacts between the climbers and their sympathisers at the feet of the crane. Their cell phones will not be a big help in keeping their determination and the circus will be finished quite easily.

And, come next election time, remember the political nincompoops who are intent on destroying the structure of this country and its society by ill will or indecision in such grave matters.


Anonymous said...

And let the media reflect on the role they are playing in this disgusting circus.

Pablo Carpintero said...

De gegevens in een krantenartikel variëren dikwijls van dag tot dag. Zo ook in de artikels over het aantal kranen dat in Brussel bezet werd. Men zou gaan denken dat bepaalde reporters niet tot zes kunnen tellen.

"Approximatieve" gegevens zijn spijtig genoeg geen uitzondering. Deze week konden we er ook al van "genieten" in opeenvolgende artikels over weggegooide menselijke resten in Doornik.