Automatic translation

I often get the creeps when I read "translated" messages in genealogy work groups. Very often French speaking people try to be courteous and have their messages translated into Dutch.

Maybe I can help them indirectly. Please send your message in your mother tongue - do not trust translation software !

Automatic translation (pick any translator on the net - they all are bad) of part of my recent post on the De Ro family.

"Still an observation: here it is written concerning the castle of Heetvelde, which later geidentifiëerd become as the water small castle of Oetingen. Also it is put that Gaspar lord of edingen Heetvelde were and bailiff of Lieferinge.Leaves accidentally now another voorouder Pierre Colins (Brussels 1621 - Oetingen 1723) lord of Heetvelde and Thy is be. Father also its Pierre, a soldier and possible the writer of an important historical work concerning the lords of Edingen, were already lord of Heetvelde and Bevinghe. Moreover married Pierre Colins (1621 - 1723) with Jacqueline of Leefdaal and became this way also lord of Lieferinge, but that after the eeuwwisseling.It does not seem onnuttig the proportions between those different personnages further from dig. Who lived where and when? Who was what and when? Here also still possible contradicties and/or errors sit…"

I kid you not !

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