Global warming

See :

Not because he is a cardinal, but because I happen to agree. After all, I am a contrarian.

Global warming may be happening. It is not a proven fact yet but an article of faith with many scientists, and no one, absolutely no one, knows where it will lead us in the long term.

That is not a reason not to prepare for the possibility of it happening - our way of life is totally insane anyway - but I don't want to be forced into silence and blind belief for reasons of political correctness only.

And don't ever forget :

"... today’s computer models cannot predict climate over long periods because there are too many unknowns and variables. We should never forget that while computers are miracles of human ingenuity, able to assimilate extraordinary amounts of information in the briefest time, they are also limited, cannot think for themselves and are totally obedient to their last human master."

Or : garbage in, garbage out.

I know nothing about climatology, but as an economist, I have seen the results of blind faith in computer models and their underlying dogms.

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