One more proof that multinationals can get away with anything. The multinationals rule the world - nobody else does because everybody feels obliged to kneel for the gods of globalisation and profit maximisation.

Poor simple sods, "small" people like you and me get stiff penalties for small environmental peccadilloes. They poisen whole oceans wit impunity !

Wishful thinking : it might be a good idea to oblige the top managers of foresaid company to take a swim in de polluted gulf of Mexico. It is quite possible that their reactions would become much swifter en much more efficient.


Pablo Carpintero said...

Ze hangen aaneen van de leugens ... lees ook : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/us_and_canada/10362139.stm.

Pablo Carpintero said...

Boosting the morale in the group is more important than repairing the enormous environmental damage.

The following article makes me slightly sick ; http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9a2e80a4-7d5e-11df-a0f5-00144feabdc0.html.