One sided tolerance

"A high profile Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament gave a sermon last Friday in which he declared that soon Rome, 'the capital of the Catholics' will be soon overtaken by Islam.

Yunis al-Astal, the cleric in question, told his listeners that 'Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesized by our Prophet Muhammad. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital, which has declared its hostility to Islam…'

The diatribe was aired on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV and predicted that Rome would become 'an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread though Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, even Eastern Europe.' "

See :

Imagine a christian cleric talking in a similar way about Mecca. The world would be too small.

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

And while we're at it - and this is no joke : Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.

See :