April 1 1811

Miller Joannes Josephus Van Lierde died in Pamel , where he had been born on June 19 1746. The Van Lierde family had a lot of millers in its ranks and had spread over a good part of the Pajottenland. He became a meisenier in 1784, a short time before the French revolution and the end of the Ancien Régime, which also meant the end of the meiseniers' title. In 1782 he married Maria Josina Covens (Pamel 1759 - 1827), yhe youngest of twelve children on hof te Berchem in Pamel. Her father too was a meisenier.

Joannes Josephus and Maria Josina had 11 children. Maria Elisabeth (Pamel 1790 - 1838) was the fifth. She married Joannes Franciscus De Vidts (Pamel 1784 - 1839) in 1809.

They were the parents of Joannes De Vidts (Pamel 1811 - 1881) who was my great-great-grandfather on my mother's side and my great-great-great-grandfather on my father's side.

I have described these lines on many previous occasions.

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