50 years

This morning I remembered that, come June 2008, it will be 50 years exactly since I left St Gregoriuscollege in Ledeberg at the end of my high school training in what still was 'het rijke roomse leven", the old fashioned and all encompassing version of the roman catholic faith.

I will have to think of some appropriate comments, and I still have the six class photos I just might fling om my blog. And I may write some comments on the old ways in roman catholic life too. Might be fun !

If the association of ex-students for that institute has survived and is active, I would like to be invited for a celebration of our 50 years. I probably would not assist, but it is always nice to be asked.

By the way, this kind of memory is not really enjoyable. Once more, I shall have to sigh : "How fast does time fly, sigh, sigh. "

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