September 7 1653

A line which I owe to another Broeckaert descendant. Joannes Broeckaert was born in Wetteren on September 7 1653 and died there on November 9 1742. He married Adriana Canuel who passed away in Wetteren in 1730.

Their son Pieter lived in Wetteren from 1687 to 1749. Pieter's son Joannes Josephus (Wetteren 1726 - 1760) had a son Bernardus (Wetteren 1758 - Serskamp 1802).

Eugenius Broeckaert (Serskamp 1792 - 1846) was a son of Bernardus.

Karel Bernardus was a railroad worker : he was born in Wetteren in 1832 but married in Okegem where he died in 1928. He was the father of 12 children. He was part of one of the first generations to move a significant distance (on a Belgian scale ...) away from the region of their origin. Before the railroad that was relatively uncommon.

Karel Bernard was the father of my great-grandmother Clementina Broeckaert (Okegem 1858 - 1939), the spouse of Hermilianus Neukermans, just mentioned in a previous article.

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