A busy man, the pope

According to http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/ukcorrespondents/holysmoke/sep07/popeattack.htm.

Pope Benedict XVI has made a coded but fierce attack on Muslim nations where Christians are treated as second-class citizens and Muslims are forbidden on pain of death to convert to Christianity. The Pope has spoken out against Christian persecution.

In a speech yesterday, the Pope defended “religious liberty”, which he said “includes the right to change religion, which should be guaranteed not only legally but in practice”. He also said that “all authentically religious traditions must be allowed to manifest their identity publicly, free from any pressure to hide or disguise it”.

Make no mistake about it: this Pope is deeply worried about the Islamisation of Europe, and the West’s supine attitude towards the persecution of Christianity by its Muslim allies. In July, his closest aide, Mgr Georg Gänswein, said that “attempts to Islamise the West cannot be denied” and, indeed, were being helped by naive respectfulness.

See also "Verdraagzaamheid ?"

And ... some of the comments on the formentioned blog are worth a read to !

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