
On December 5 1791, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in Vienna, Austria, aged 35.

Where would I be without his music ?


Zimbob said...

Beethoven's gone but his music lives on,
and Bach 'don't' go shopping no more,
You'll never meet Lizst or Brahms again,
And Wagner doesn't answer the door...

They're decomposing composers,
there's nothing that anyone can do,
You can still hear Beethoven,
But Beethoven cannot hear you...

Anonymous said...

Excellent ! Internet tells me it's Monty Python Circus ??
Een gat in mijn opvoeding ...

Zimbob said...

I'm glad you were able to find it on the internet. I quoted it 'by heart' but have the CD at home. Monty Python it is. Glad you like it.