
I often ask myself how so-called scientists who juggle with ages of millions or even billions of years, still want to be taken seriously, and sometimes even dare to claim scientific accuracy.

Found on :

"The rings of Saturn, earlier thought to have formed during the age of the dinosaurs, may have been created 'around 4.5 billion years ago' when the solar system was still under construction. The scientists in the United States have carried out a study, using data collected by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, and found that rather than being formed 100 million years ago, the rings were formed as the solar system was being built, the ScienceDaily has reported. Data from NASA's Voyager spacecraft in the 1970s and later the Hubble Space Telescope led the scientists to believe that Saturn's rings were relatively young and likely created by a comet that shattered a large moon."

A possible error of 4.4 billion years, but who cares ? Oftentimes I think that some of these scientific "elucubrations" are about as reliable as the creation story in the bible. Well, I may be overstating my case a little bit ...

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