
I have been out of touch for a couple of days, compliments of Electrabel and Skynet. It just goes to show how dependent we have become on our technical gadgets. After a couple of interventions, by very friendly people indeed, the ADSL line should now be correctly repaired. All's well that ends well, I hope ...

My site meter proves conclusively that, in the few days I was out of combat, very few people missed me and my contrarian remarks. I am glad to be back nevertheless.

It his high season for contrarians. Even the weather helps. We had no Winter at all, Summer in April and now we have Fall in July : abundant rain and showers, wind, cold temperatures - you name it, we got it. Last year we were almost at melting point, now we can use some heating.

Our political heroes are busy going nowhere and possibly ruining the very last chances of survival for our country. They would fit very nicely in the Breughel painting which I reproduced some time ago, but with one major difference. They are not really blind : they just do not want to consider the consequences of implementing their parochial party interests and attitudes. Statesmen indeed.

The Tour de France, which used to be one of the many Summer highlights for your devoted blogger, ended in confusion, a total loss of credibility and acute "scandalitis". How irrational, shortsighted and stupid can "sportsmen" get when large sums of money are at stake ? Lying, conniving and hypocrite ... you know what. And business - the empire of pure, unadulterated greed - is now willing to give lessons in morality to the inhabitants of the professionnal cycling jungle. The blind leading the blind again. Very shortly after inventing ultra flexible rules for "corporate governance", business now teaches the cycling world how to behave. The poacher turned game-keeper.

A well known TV personality recently said that the widespread (politically correct) relativism in morality leads to the corruption of norms and values, and thus to chaos. This is true in every field of human behaviour : in society, in business, in politics... High time for people who think otherwise, but are afraid to talk because they might be labeled conservative and politically incorrect, to start speaking out.

There are signs that this is starting to happen. Hopefully that trend continues. If not, the future appears very bleak indeed.

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