That train generally is crowded to capacity, but for the very first time in years the windows were so dirty that it was literally impossible to see the landscape flashing by. People sitting by the windows used the stops to get out and clean part of the windows with paper handkerchiefs.
On the TGV travelling back from Bordeaux to Brussels four days later it was possible to see through the windows but the toilets were in a pitiful state. That is a far more common complaint than dirty windows, and it has to be said that people sometimes behave like pigs - with my apologies to the pigs. I always pity the women who have to sit down on those dirty thrones.
So customer care could be better, but the TGV remains a very fast and efficient way of transport for medium distances.
Toilets in trains can be a bit dirty, that's a fact. Mind you, we do not have to sit on them, we hang over them if they are dirty.
On my trip to Paris, I was delighted to see free public toilets on every corner. These weren't very clean, but they were there. A good idea for Belgium!
Hello lady B. Not too much technical details please. Thank you.
voor propere toilets...
1 adres ... liekens!!!!
Alla voor één keer zal ik die commentaar laten staan. Maar laat het niet opnieuw gebeuren !
oke, oke...;-(
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