Allo allo

The BBC is reported to have sold all 83 episodes of the "comical" tv series "Allo allo" to the German ProSiebenSat1. The series is situated in a Normandy village during the German occupation.

A miracle ? A German station is going to broadcast an English series in which German soldiers are depicted as stupid, incompetent nincompoops ?


Personally I can't stand "Allo allo" which - to me - is one of the most stupid concoctations ever to have been produced by the BBC. And I simply can't stand the way in which the English generally depict the French, in their tv series, in "historical dramas" genre "cloack and dagger", and even in their movies in general. It remains clear for all to see that France has been (is ?) the age-old natural enemy of the English. On English tv the French are stupid, treacherous, wine-gobbling bastards, period.

But fortunately, there are also series like "Dad's army". Now there you have a little jewel. I don't see the Germans buying that very soon.

1 comment:

Lebbercherrie said...

The great thing about Allo Allo is that no nationality comes out favourable. They are all stupid pedantic and ignorant. Which is just fine.