Easter (2)

Contrary to what most people think, Easter is the most important christian holy day, not Christmas. It also is my favorite.

One of the reasons - besides the religious ones - is that the easter bunny and chiks are tame (and lame) players, in no way comparable to Coca Cola's hellish invention : the catastrophic father christmas.

That guy simply is a denatured santa claus, an inveterate boozer, who drinks so much that he systematically comes 19 days late (december 25 instead of december 6). And by the way, he does not drink pure cola, oh no ! Look at his nose. He even feeds the stuff to his reindeers : see poor Rodolph's red nose ! The guy should be put in jail, to cool off (or to warm up, what is it ?).

Easter falls between March 22 at the very earliest and April 24 at the very latest. 2008 is an extremely early Easter. It is 95 years ago that Easter fell on March 23 in 1913, the year my father was born.

And an extremely cold Easter it is too : it is freezing right now. Fortunately there is no snow (yet). I remember a white Easter in 1975, that is I remember the fact and the event, not the year - my newspaper helped me out. I have a picture - somewhere - of my eldest niece, collecting easter eggs in the snow in the very small garden of the house we then lived in. She must have been six years young then.


I do not want to start a sermon on the meaning of Easter - I couldn't even if I wanted to.
But remember, even if you have no religion : one of the messages of Easter is that nothing - no one - ever is lost for good. Keep hoping and do not be afraid !

Happy Easter, zalig Pasen !

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

Why the diatribe against the christmas lush at Easter ? Simple : I had to do it sometime, and I never am at home or blogging on Christmas!