Soccer, you sucker !

Referees in first division soccer matches will be paid up to €1.500 per match, against € 72 just over ten years ago, € 500 in 2000 and € 900 in 2005. That is simply scandalous !

Those blackpants thus "earn" more than 16.5 @ per minute. Even very famous medical doctors do not earn that much. But then a referee is so much more important and useful than a doctor. (I shall not name lawyers, because then I should have to agree that referees are much more useful).

The fact that soccer players themselves, other sport figures and "actors" are earning astronomical wages is and has been a sure sign that our civilisation is going to hell and that the so called free market and the law of supply and demand is the surest way to get there.

But one thing is certain : a sport which can afford such amounts of capital should not get one single eurocent from the government or other authorities as long as people are dying for lack of food or care. Still, there the are, all the time, begging for more.

Disgusting ! Soccer is for suckers. So are cycling and other popular sports : keep the plebs dumb and happy - nothing has changed.

1 comment:

Pablo Carpintero said...

And the fact that in other European countries they are paid multiples of what they get in Belgium is neither here nor there.