Sitemeter once more

I have written before about the total unreliability of sitemeter for its locations. Last week I looked at my blog in Souillac, Lot, southern France and glanced at the sitemeter data too. My location was given as Mantes-la-Jolie near Paris, an eternity away.

When I blog from home, my own address changes every day, but rarely is located outside the province of Eastern Flanders. But from Souillac to Mantes ....

I once heard that the US troups landing in Normandy tried to get Michelin maps because their staff maps were totally unreliable. Some twenty years ago I talked to a Californian who located Belgium in Africa. 63 years later, not much has changed. But, as we all know, the USA are the center of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One almost wonders how they ever found Afghanistan or Iraq !