Oecumene ?

The Roman catholic church is falling apart at the seams with almost every priest preaching his own interpretation of the credo, the sacraments, dogms and miracles. When two or more priests were available in every parish, and the streets were awash with monks and nuns, there was strict social control. Now with three or more parishes for one priest, badly trained members of the laity instructing the youth, and political correctness having become a dogm, unity is a far away dream. Some surfing on American "catholic" websites is very instructive. Almost each website has its own interpretation of Rome's eternal truth.

The Anglican church has finally fallen apart, but is not yet willing to admit it. Gay and women bishops have been the (apparent) stumbleblock for a huge part of its more traditional following.

And I hear that the infighting between eastern orthodox churces is rife, with patriarchs willing to drink each other's blood.

Never mind the protestants, who have always been the very image of "evangelical" splintering and division.

Still, they all claim that they are praying fervently for unity in brotherhood. Wouldn't it be better - and more useful - if they put their own houses in order first ?

If I were an evangelical, I might be tempted to believe that the end times and rapture indeed are near.


Pablo Carpintero said...

Sometimes I am asking myself whether it is a pure coincidence thet the "Veni Creatos Spiritus" has always been one of my favorite Gregorian hymns ...

Anonymous said...

Venez un peu à Bruxelles pour voir qui va "gagner".