Mrs Sarah Palin

I have been shocked - but absolutely not suprised - to see and hear the anymosity and barely masked hostility with which the major part of our Flemish media have commented on the selection of the forenamed lady as the republican candidate to the vice presidency of the USA.

OK, she is not my cup of tea either ; I probably would reject her (apparently very conservative) economic views. I am an arch-conservative in ethical matters, and a progressive in economic and most social matters - so I would probably never find a candidate to my "taste" in the US anyway. But I think she is a breath of fresh air in the glitter- and flag-covered, but totally decripit and moldered, US political system.

The objection that she is an unexperienced 44 year old who might be only one heart beat away from the presidency (which seems to be a preoccupation in part of the US), is uncomprehensible in a nation which chose mr Bush and some of his more infamous predecessors. Where was Dubya's experience ?

Objectivity in the press ? Forget it. Over here Mr Obama has almost been elevated to sainthood ; and all republicans belong in hell, no holds barred.

Objectivity ? No, just sheer stupidity !

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