November 15 1734

Maria Schandevijl was born in Pamel on May 2 1655 and died there on November 15 1734. She married Adrianus Huylenbroeck, born in Sint Kwintens Lennik, who died in Pamel in 1699. They had six children, and Maria was a widow for some 35 years.

Their daughter Catharina Huylenbroeck lived in Pamel from ca 1685 to 1751. Her son Ferdinandus Van der Sleyen (Pamel 1724 - 1810) was the sixth of eight children.

Michael Van der Sleyen was a son of Ferdinandus, the third of his five children. He lived in Pamel from 1758 to 1827.

His daughter Maria Elisabeth Van der Sleyen has been named before - the most recent posts are : "November 1 1758", "October 27 1801", "October 27 1725" and "October 26 1691".

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