Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is said to consider selecting his successor himself. He wants to avoid Chinese manipulation of the selection process.
Wikipedia states that : "Upon the death of the Dalai Lama, his monks institute a search for the Lama's reincarnation, or yangsi (yang srid), a small child. Familiarity with the possessions of the previous Dalai Lama is considered the main sign of the reincarnation. The search for the reincarnation typically requires a few years. The reincarnation is then brought to Lhasa to be trained by the other Lamas. "
Selecting one's own reincarnation ? Interesting perspective ... but by definition faith and belief are beyond reason.
By the way, Benedict XVI will not receive the Dalai Lama during his planned visit to Italy in December. Too much pressure from China.
Not the first time we hear something similar, what ?

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