What ?

There are no certainties (or is it certitudes ?) left in this world.

A couple of months ago "Comme chez soi", the Brussels food temple, lost its third Michelin star. The news shook the Belgian gastronomical community to the core. Now, the Veulemans family sells its world famous "Aux Armes de Bruxelles" restaurant to Flo, a French restaurant group, in which our national billionaire Albert Frère has a stake. I'm sure that all my foreign readers, who have been over here, have lunched or dined at least once in that culinary temple. For the time being, Laurent Veulemans will continue to manage the place.

Then there is talk about a take over by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of the Wall Street Journal, the world's premier evangelist of free market capitalism ...

and Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, top guy at the International Monetary Fund, warns that the present merger fever may turn into a danger for financial stability because of rising interest rates.

The end of the world must be near ...

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