
I enjoyed having the site meter installed last Friday. "Alle begin is moeilijk" and I get some 10 hits per day (I have deactivated the counter for my own hits). I already had one hit from Sta Inez, Southern California and two from Florida, one from Madrid, Spain and one from ... Columbia (South America) - no address.
But the locations given by the sitemeter are rather weird : I reportedly live in Aalst (I saw that before I deactivated the counter for my own hits), and some people I know well live in Zandhoven, Antwerp instead of in Gentbrugge ... Poor marksmanship !


Zimbob said...

I've noticed the same and thought it had something to do with me being a paranoid android. Looks like I was wrong after all.

All the best from Zandhoven ;-)

Pablo Carpintero said...

I switched off the reporting of my own visits ... apparently, they are reported still, and I now live in Zutendaal.
Quite possibly, this sitemeter is much more interesting for the company that launched it than for the unsuspecting customer !