On July 1 1961 my beloved grandfather Franciscus Joannes Neukermans passed into eternal life in the OLV clinic in Aalst after weeks of excruciating pain and deep suffering. One day he made a bad fall in his house and a neighbour found him : we then found out that he had a very bad - until then undiagnosed - brain condition.
We had no car at that time so my father and mother and my brother (grandfather's godson) drove to the clinic in the car of a family friend. There was no place for me in the VW. When they arrived grandfather asked where I was (I was his oldest grandson and I spent most of my holidays with him). I arrived by train but couldn't see him until the next day. He did not recognize me any more - he never again recognized me. Even now, 46 years later, that is a very sad memory.
Grandfather was a carpenter with the Belgian railroads for most of his life (many men in his family worked for the railroads, including two of his sons) and was also a very active member of the christian labor union. Like most working people at that time he had a big vegetable and fruit garden and a couple of fields for wheat, potatoes and other staple food, as wel as some livestock (chickens, goat, pig ...).
He was widowed a couple of years before his retirement and survived grandmother by almost 12 years. He had one of the first TV sets in the village and so every night the neighbours gathered around his set to watch that technological miracle.
After he retired, he made a point of visiting us regularly in Ghent, always for a day, and almost every time he made a point of visiting the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Oostakker.
Bloed kruipt waar het niet gaan kan zeker ?
30 juni
Het is pas nieuwjaar geweest en het nieuwe jaar is weeral half voorbij - en zeggen dat tijd ons kostbaarste bezit is, en toch ook iets dat we nooit bezitten. Eigenlijk bezit de tijd ons en doet maar wat. En de man met de zeis komt alsmaar dichterbij. Daarom "Carpe Diem" ! Met de combinatie van de nog beschikbare tijd en onze grote of kleine talenten kunnen wij er misschien toch nog iets van bakken, voor onszelf of voor de anderen.
Time is money ? Tijd is geld ? Nee, tijd is leven - de tijd gaat snel, gebruikt hem wel !
Time is money ? Tijd is geld ? Nee, tijd is leven - de tijd gaat snel, gebruikt hem wel !
contrarian comments
Names and surnames
I have been named after two uncles, one on my mother's side (Paul) and one on my father's side (Etienne), who both died young.
Up to the second World War and even afterwards, family names were almost never used.
I thus am Paul van Margriet van Cis van de Kloefkapper, or : Paul van Margriet van Marie van Schouppens ; and also Paul van Petrus van Pieje uit 't Schalkom ; and (probably) Paul van Petrus van Margriet van Champetters.
I remember that my mother used other names still, but I have forgotten those ... I think one was : Paul van Margriet van Marie van Fernantes.
Up to the second World War and even afterwards, family names were almost never used.
I thus am Paul van Margriet van Cis van de Kloefkapper, or : Paul van Margriet van Marie van Schouppens ; and also Paul van Petrus van Pieje uit 't Schalkom ; and (probably) Paul van Petrus van Margriet van Champetters.
I remember that my mother used other names still, but I have forgotten those ... I think one was : Paul van Margriet van Marie van Fernantes.
My maternal grandparents

An even worse photo of my maternal grandparents and their children, but the only picture I have. The photo must have been made before 1934.
Top row : my grandmother, Paul, my grandfather, my mother ; second row : Kamiel and Jef ; sitting : Eugeen.
Joannes Franciscus Neukermans (Okegem December 24 1886 - Aalst July 1 1961) married Maria Antonia De Vidts (Pamel January 31 1885 - Okegem September 25 1949).
They had the following children :
* Kamiel (Okegem 1913 - Okegem 1936). More about him in a later article ;
* Margaretha Felicitas (Okegem 1914 - Ghent 2000) ;
* Jozef (Okegem 1916 - Liedekerke 1994) ;
* Paul Joannes (Okegem 1920 - Okegem 1934) ;
* Eugeen Robert (Okegem 1921 - Okegem 2004).
Cis and Marie had seven grandchildren of whom I am the oldest.
De Vidts,
My paternal grandparents

This is the best picture I have of my paternal grandparents and their surviving children, made on July 22 1939, the day my parents got married.
From left to right : Jef, my grandfather, Godelieve, my grandmother, Antoine, my father, Gabrielle.
Pieter Jozef Timmermans (Meerbeke August 18 1886 - Ninove December 4 1953) married Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst (Meerbeke March 20 1892 - Ghent December 2 1973).
They had the following children :
* Gabriella (Meerbeke 1912 - Meerbeke 1992) ;
* Petrus Joannes (Meerbeke 1913 - Gent 1980) ;
* Jozef (Meerbeke 1915 - Namur after 1994) ;
* Lodewijk Jozef Albert (Meerbeke 1916 - Meerbeke 1918) ;
* Godelieve (Meerbeke 1925 - Gent 1997) ;
* Antoine (Meerbeke 1928 - Ninove 1994) ;
* Etienne Theodore (Meerbeke 1939 : he died a couple of days after birth - the photo thus was made approximately 6 months after his death).
Pieter and Margaretha had12 grandchildren, of which I am the oldest.
Fortress Europe
It is reported that since 1993 at least 8.000 migrants and fugitives died trying to enter "Fortress Europe". About three people every two days pay the highest price in their quest for freedom and well being. And these numbers are incomplete by definition.
All of us are at least partly responsible for these deaths : we have a moral duty to help those who flee hunger, war, extreme poverty and persecution by taking them in and by making pariahs out of the robber governments responsible for the criminal behaviour which creates these problems in the first place.
All of us are at least partly responsible for these deaths : we have a moral duty to help those who flee hunger, war, extreme poverty and persecution by taking them in and by making pariahs out of the robber governments responsible for the criminal behaviour which creates these problems in the first place.
contrarian comments,
The Achilles heel of multiculturalism
All generalisations are dangerous. But sometimes they help to clarify or to develop arguments. What follows is an almost verbatim quote from a conservative internet blog. Food for thought I would say : it is a fact we have allowed or even favored ghetto development in our cities instead of pushing actively for integration with respect for diversity : and we will be partly responsible at least for the dire effects these ghetto politics may bring. And maybe the following article overestimates the importance of Islamist extremism in Europe.
"Multiculturalism grew up in a time where people, unhappy with the behaviors of their forefathers, sought to find alternative role models in the cultures of other parts of the world, and used them, somewhat like a smorgasbord, to pick and choose things they would like to be part of their world view. It goes hand in hand with the repudiation of the older cultural norms and the longing to make something that seemed more fair, clean and perhaps holy in the eyes of the beholder. But an end result was something that could be easily exploited by those who had other agendas besides the merging of all that was good in a culture into a matrix that everybody would enjoy.
Besides the destruction of the "old truths and verities" as William Faulkner used to say, contemplate this : resistance to integration and assimilation into the mainstream culture is the cornerstone of the Islamist extremist agenda as it helps in the development of closed societies within the host societies.
There is no doubt that a community that allows a number of closed communities to develop in its midst loses its social cohesiveness and becomes dysfunctional. It becomes a source of discontent and dissatisfaction, breeds conflicts and lives in a perpetual state of tension. Knowing that a marginalised and disenfranchised youth serves as a never-exhausting source for terrorism and a divided society breeds such young men, the Islamist extremist establishment has worked diligently to sabotage social harmony in Europe.
As a first step toward achieving this objective, Muslim extremists are convinced that they will have to insist on maintaining their “Islamic” identity, as their culture is better than the host culture. To further divide the host societies along the religious lines, Muslim extremists are encouraged to refuse to evolve in the culture in which they live. They are being forced to recede into closed societies by refusing to integrate into the mainstream culture.
At best, this "celebration of diversity" has brought cultural weakness and social disruption everywhere where its brand of intolerant "toleration" has become the norm, destroying the old fall back positions that gave people under pressure a way to bond together in strength until the danger has passed. And now, it is playing into the hands of those who wish to bring the entire edifice of Western civilization down.
Is it too late to stem the tide? (1) "
No, it is not ! Mutual respect will do the trick ! But a tall order that is !
(1) slightly adapted from : http://voicesfromthelongwar.blogspot.com/ : quoting this blog does not imply that I agree with its whole contents.
"Multiculturalism grew up in a time where people, unhappy with the behaviors of their forefathers, sought to find alternative role models in the cultures of other parts of the world, and used them, somewhat like a smorgasbord, to pick and choose things they would like to be part of their world view. It goes hand in hand with the repudiation of the older cultural norms and the longing to make something that seemed more fair, clean and perhaps holy in the eyes of the beholder. But an end result was something that could be easily exploited by those who had other agendas besides the merging of all that was good in a culture into a matrix that everybody would enjoy.
Besides the destruction of the "old truths and verities" as William Faulkner used to say, contemplate this : resistance to integration and assimilation into the mainstream culture is the cornerstone of the Islamist extremist agenda as it helps in the development of closed societies within the host societies.
There is no doubt that a community that allows a number of closed communities to develop in its midst loses its social cohesiveness and becomes dysfunctional. It becomes a source of discontent and dissatisfaction, breeds conflicts and lives in a perpetual state of tension. Knowing that a marginalised and disenfranchised youth serves as a never-exhausting source for terrorism and a divided society breeds such young men, the Islamist extremist establishment has worked diligently to sabotage social harmony in Europe.
As a first step toward achieving this objective, Muslim extremists are convinced that they will have to insist on maintaining their “Islamic” identity, as their culture is better than the host culture. To further divide the host societies along the religious lines, Muslim extremists are encouraged to refuse to evolve in the culture in which they live. They are being forced to recede into closed societies by refusing to integrate into the mainstream culture.
At best, this "celebration of diversity" has brought cultural weakness and social disruption everywhere where its brand of intolerant "toleration" has become the norm, destroying the old fall back positions that gave people under pressure a way to bond together in strength until the danger has passed. And now, it is playing into the hands of those who wish to bring the entire edifice of Western civilization down.
Is it too late to stem the tide? (1) "
No, it is not ! Mutual respect will do the trick ! But a tall order that is !
(1) slightly adapted from : http://voicesfromthelongwar.blogspot.com/ : quoting this blog does not imply that I agree with its whole contents.
De Dikke van Pamel
From my earliest days on I heard stories about the "Fat Man" of Pamel. He still is part of regional legends and folk lore.
Victor De Clerck was born at Pamel on June 14 1848 and died there on February 16 1885. That was a fortnight after my maternal grandmother Maria Antonia De Vidts (Pamel, January 31 1885 - Okegem September 1949) was born. Her parents, Felix De Vidts (Pamel, April 12 1853 - Pamel, June 8 1940) and Blondine Muylaert (Denderhoutem, June 4 1849 - Pamel February 10 1942), were close neighbours of Victor. Felix was a distant relative (see further).
Victor's exact weight is unknown but is reported to have been up to 300 - 350 kg. Even during his lifetime he was famous and much sought after as a curiosity. As a result he became progressively an unsociable and withdrawn, probably even embittered, individual. His life - at least the later part of it - must have been hell.
Folk lore has it that on hot days he floated on the Dender river, and that children used him as a small island to sit on. He was so big that the front door had to be broken out in order to get the huge casket out of his house.
Victor's paternal grandmother was Barbara Constantia Van der Sleyen (Pamel, March 25 1772 - Pamel, July 29 1847). Her grandparents were Jasper Van der Sleyen (Pamel, June 24 1686 - Pamel, July 2 1749) and Catharina Huylenbroeck (Pamel, ca 1685 - Pamel, March 7 1751).
Jasper and Catharina are my common ancestors with Victor. I descend from them, both through my mother (7th generation) and through my father (8th generation).
More information : "De Dikke Van Pamel, zijn leven, zijn tijd, zijn buurt" by Gerard Van Herreweghen, Davidsfonds Roosdaal, 1985.
Victor De Clerck was born at Pamel on June 14 1848 and died there on February 16 1885. That was a fortnight after my maternal grandmother Maria Antonia De Vidts (Pamel, January 31 1885 - Okegem September 1949) was born. Her parents, Felix De Vidts (Pamel, April 12 1853 - Pamel, June 8 1940) and Blondine Muylaert (Denderhoutem, June 4 1849 - Pamel February 10 1942), were close neighbours of Victor. Felix was a distant relative (see further).
Victor's exact weight is unknown but is reported to have been up to 300 - 350 kg. Even during his lifetime he was famous and much sought after as a curiosity. As a result he became progressively an unsociable and withdrawn, probably even embittered, individual. His life - at least the later part of it - must have been hell.
Folk lore has it that on hot days he floated on the Dender river, and that children used him as a small island to sit on. He was so big that the front door had to be broken out in order to get the huge casket out of his house.
Victor's paternal grandmother was Barbara Constantia Van der Sleyen (Pamel, March 25 1772 - Pamel, July 29 1847). Her grandparents were Jasper Van der Sleyen (Pamel, June 24 1686 - Pamel, July 2 1749) and Catharina Huylenbroeck (Pamel, ca 1685 - Pamel, March 7 1751).
Jasper and Catharina are my common ancestors with Victor. I descend from them, both through my mother (7th generation) and through my father (8th generation).
More information : "De Dikke Van Pamel, zijn leven, zijn tijd, zijn buurt" by Gerard Van Herreweghen, Davidsfonds Roosdaal, 1985.
De Clerck,
De Vidts,
Van der Sleyen
Zonder scrupules ...
... de straat op. Een belangwekkend artikel over de rol van godsdienst in onze cultuur. Het is gebaseerd op een boek van Herman De Dijn waarin hij zich voorstander toont van een gezonde aanwezigheid van religie in de publieke ruimte - in tegenstelling tot de zeer gangbare mening dat de kerken zich moeten terugplooien op, of zelfs opsluiten in, "een kleine kudde gelijkgezinden en uitverkorenen".
"De oplossing ligt misschien helemaal niet in het doorgaan op de weg van de aanpassing aan moderniteit ('bevrijding') of postmoderniteit ('individuele spiritualiteit'). Ze zou wel eens kunnen liggen in 'finding the old way forward', in een herontdekking van de eigen traditie en in de implementatie daarvan in het reële, alledaagse leven."
Voor de volledige tekst : http://www.tertio.be/archief/2007/T381/T381-spi2.htm.
An interesting article about the role of religion in public life.
"De oplossing ligt misschien helemaal niet in het doorgaan op de weg van de aanpassing aan moderniteit ('bevrijding') of postmoderniteit ('individuele spiritualiteit'). Ze zou wel eens kunnen liggen in 'finding the old way forward', in een herontdekking van de eigen traditie en in de implementatie daarvan in het reële, alledaagse leven."
Voor de volledige tekst : http://www.tertio.be/archief/2007/T381/T381-spi2.htm.
An interesting article about the role of religion in public life.
political correctness,
A little comment on the judge's pants.
Greed is an ugly thing, but even Friedrich Engels knew that : "From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization."
Does this mean that progress is necessarily based on greed, and thus is the devil's work ? An oversimplification at best, ... I hope !
Greed is an ugly thing, but even Friedrich Engels knew that : "From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization."
Does this mean that progress is necessarily based on greed, and thus is the devil's work ? An oversimplification at best, ... I hope !
contrarian comments,
Toestand van de wereld
"De Zuid-Koreaanse eigenaar van een stomerij in Washington hoeft geen 54 miljoen dollar schadevergoeding te betalen voor een zoekgeraakte broek. Dat heeft een rechter maandag bepaald. De eigenaar van de broek, eveneens rechter, had de zaak aangespannen."
Dat meldt De Standaard vandaag. Eigenlijk zegt dit artikeltje meer over de huidige gang van zaken in de wereld, en meer bepaald in de USA, dan een bibliotheek vol universitaire dissertaties.
Anderzijds is het wel spijtig dat er geen veroordeling kwam want met mijn voorraad aan broeken, shorts, zwem- en onderbroeken ware ik miljardair geweest ...
In short : a judge claimed - but fortunately did not get - 54 mio dollars for his pants which were lost at the cleaners.
Dat meldt De Standaard vandaag. Eigenlijk zegt dit artikeltje meer over de huidige gang van zaken in de wereld, en meer bepaald in de USA, dan een bibliotheek vol universitaire dissertaties.
Anderzijds is het wel spijtig dat er geen veroordeling kwam want met mijn voorraad aan broeken, shorts, zwem- en onderbroeken ware ik miljardair geweest ...
In short : a judge claimed - but fortunately did not get - 54 mio dollars for his pants which were lost at the cleaners.
contrarian comments,
I'm back, sitting at my PC after a week in the magnificent - but at present very, very hot - region of Umbria in Italy. (The lack of equipment I mentioned in this blog was not a lie because I did not take my PC with me. I added that comment in order not to give ideas to possible malevolent readers cherishing the idea of paying me a visit while I was away. One never knows ...)
First impression : we are oh so proud of our history, our historical monuments and our art. Compared to what Italy has to offer we are sheer and poor beggars.
Second impression : roman catholicism is far from dead over there. It warms the heart to see the numbers of young religious people who are willing and keen to start their great adventure.
Last year I visited Tuscany, which - if possible - is even more beautiful and rich in art and history.
My main issue with Italy is that there are way too many bad actors walking in the streets but, that being said, what a country...
First impression : we are oh so proud of our history, our historical monuments and our art. Compared to what Italy has to offer we are sheer and poor beggars.
Second impression : roman catholicism is far from dead over there. It warms the heart to see the numbers of young religious people who are willing and keen to start their great adventure.
Last year I visited Tuscany, which - if possible - is even more beautiful and rich in art and history.
My main issue with Italy is that there are way too many bad actors walking in the streets but, that being said, what a country...
general comments,
The Celebrity 100
The American Forbes, famous for its lists, published "The World's most powerful - and best paid stars". Winners are : 1. Oprah Winfrey, 2. Tiger Woods, 3. Madonna.
Who said the US has no culture but money? I rest my case.
In the unlikely event you would want more information, see http://www.forbes.com/home/celebrities/2007/06/14/best-paid-celebrities-07celebrities_cz_lg_0614celeb_land.html.
Who said the US has no culture but money? I rest my case.
In the unlikely event you would want more information, see http://www.forbes.com/home/celebrities/2007/06/14/best-paid-celebrities-07celebrities_cz_lg_0614celeb_land.html.
contrarian comments
Een kwaliteitskrant
Uit De Standaard van vandaag : ("UGent doekt optie etnische kunst op", blz 12) :
"De opleiding duurt in principe vijf jaar: drie jaar bachelor (met de optie Etnische Kunst vanaf het tweede jaar), gevolgd door een jaar master." En zo staan er elke dag wel een paar in ...
Ook uit die krant op blz 22 : "Gent verwacht grote massa voor Tour". De wielersport, nog steeds even populair ? Panem et circenses ... ofte de mensen willen, nee smeken erom, bedrogen te worden.
"De opleiding duurt in principe vijf jaar: drie jaar bachelor (met de optie Etnische Kunst vanaf het tweede jaar), gevolgd door een jaar master." En zo staan er elke dag wel een paar in ...
Ook uit die krant op blz 22 : "Gent verwacht grote massa voor Tour". De wielersport, nog steeds even populair ? Panem et circenses ... ofte de mensen willen, nee smeken erom, bedrogen te worden.
contrarian comments
More war memories
Writing about my earliest memories, I recalled having read about another plane crash close to Ninove. It happened at Denderwindeke on December 29 1944, where a B-24 Liberator, returning from a mission over Neuwied, Germany, and hit by flak over the Ardennes (the von Rundstedt offensive) crashed at Boterdael. Unfortunately two crew members were killed.
There is a website devoted to this crash : http://users.telenet.be/herdenking_b24/ (the site is in Flemish and in English, but the English version apparently is not working).
For a moment I thought that "my" four engine plane, which crashed on New Year day, might have been a Liberator too - but then my source reports 8 parachutes ; the plane in Denderwindeke had a reported crew of nine and a search on internet appears to indicate that the Liberator normally had a crew of ten.
Maybe someone will try to get more info on the Ninove crash from Allied archives.
There is a website devoted to this crash : http://users.telenet.be/herdenking_b24/ (the site is in Flemish and in English, but the English version apparently is not working).
For a moment I thought that "my" four engine plane, which crashed on New Year day, might have been a Liberator too - but then my source reports 8 parachutes ; the plane in Denderwindeke had a reported crew of nine and a search on internet appears to indicate that the Liberator normally had a crew of ten.
Maybe someone will try to get more info on the Ninove crash from Allied archives.
local history
Kicking in some open doors ...
- Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.
- It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them ; but the easiest way out is to have no principles and to do nothing about it.
- Life not only begins at forty, it begins to show - and don't I know it ...
contrarian comments
A politically correct cardinal
According to Kerknet, citing ANP, our cardinal Godfried Danneels said that the christians in Western Europe owe their growing selfconfidence and the greater appreciation of politicians for their role in society to Islam. That is a political correct expression if I ever saw one ... Maybe the cardinal was somewhat more nuanced in his - often woolly - speech, but this is what the press reports. There may be some truth in what the cardinal said, but I think he overstated his case.
So did Mark Steyn - I disagree with most of what he wrote in his notorious "It's the Demography, Stupid" - but here are some excerpts which bear thinking about - I was reminded of them by reading about the present trouble in the Gaza strip.
A little contrarian counterpoison to the cardinal's words ...
"The Muslim faith, whatever its merits for the believers, is a problematic business for the rest of us. There are many trouble spots around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine," Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the Caucasus, Muslims vs. backpacking tourists in Bali. Like the environmentalists, these guys think globally but act locally. .... Radical Islam is an opportunistic infection, like AIDS: It's not the HIV that kills you, it's the pneumonia you get when your body's too weak to fight it off. ... Which the smarter Islamists have figured out ... they figure there's an excellent chance they can drag things out until Western civilization collapses in on itself and Islam inherits by default. "
A major point which Steyn raises is : " ... our lack of civilizational confidence. As a famous Arnold Toynbee quote puts it: "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder"--as can be seen throughout much of "the Western world" right now. The progressive agenda--lavish social welfare, abortion, secularism, multiculturalism--is collectively the real suicide bomb. Take multiculturalism. The great thing about multiculturalism is that it doesn't involve knowing anything about other cultures--the capital of Bhutan, the principal exports of Malawi, who cares? All it requires is feeling good about other cultures. It's fundamentally a fraud, and I would argue was subliminally accepted on that basis. Most adherents to the idea that all cultures are equal don't want to live in anything but an advanced Western society."
It takes a strong stomach to read through the whole biaised article, but there is some food for thought, indeed.
http://kerknet.be/nieuws/ of today
So did Mark Steyn - I disagree with most of what he wrote in his notorious "It's the Demography, Stupid" - but here are some excerpts which bear thinking about - I was reminded of them by reading about the present trouble in the Gaza strip.
A little contrarian counterpoison to the cardinal's words ...
"The Muslim faith, whatever its merits for the believers, is a problematic business for the rest of us. There are many trouble spots around the world, but as a general rule, it's easy to make an educated guess at one of the participants: Muslims vs. Jews in "Palestine," Muslims vs. Hindus in Kashmir, Muslims vs. Christians in Africa, Muslims vs. Buddhists in Thailand, Muslims vs. Russians in the Caucasus, Muslims vs. backpacking tourists in Bali. Like the environmentalists, these guys think globally but act locally. .... Radical Islam is an opportunistic infection, like AIDS: It's not the HIV that kills you, it's the pneumonia you get when your body's too weak to fight it off. ... Which the smarter Islamists have figured out ... they figure there's an excellent chance they can drag things out until Western civilization collapses in on itself and Islam inherits by default. "
A major point which Steyn raises is : " ... our lack of civilizational confidence. As a famous Arnold Toynbee quote puts it: "Civilizations die from suicide, not murder"--as can be seen throughout much of "the Western world" right now. The progressive agenda--lavish social welfare, abortion, secularism, multiculturalism--is collectively the real suicide bomb. Take multiculturalism. The great thing about multiculturalism is that it doesn't involve knowing anything about other cultures--the capital of Bhutan, the principal exports of Malawi, who cares? All it requires is feeling good about other cultures. It's fundamentally a fraud, and I would argue was subliminally accepted on that basis. Most adherents to the idea that all cultures are equal don't want to live in anything but an advanced Western society."
It takes a strong stomach to read through the whole biaised article, but there is some food for thought, indeed.
http://kerknet.be/nieuws/ of today
Frequency of family names in 2006
The government published the lists of the most frequent family names in Belgium for 2006.
Peeters, Janssens and Maes are the most common names in Belgium and in Flanders. In Wallonia the most frequent names are Dubois, Lambert and Martin. But the most common name in Wallonia, Dubois, is 13d in Belgium as a whole.
There were 32.811 Peeters, 30.453 Janssens and 25.519 Maes in Belgium as a whole.
In Belgium Timmermans is the 53d most common name (6.685 people) ; in Brussels it is 36th (508 people) ; in Flanders 63d (5.051 people) and in Wallonia it has no place in the first 100.
Source : FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie, Bevolkingsstatistieken.
Peeters, Janssens and Maes are the most common names in Belgium and in Flanders. In Wallonia the most frequent names are Dubois, Lambert and Martin. But the most common name in Wallonia, Dubois, is 13d in Belgium as a whole.
There were 32.811 Peeters, 30.453 Janssens and 25.519 Maes in Belgium as a whole.
In Belgium Timmermans is the 53d most common name (6.685 people) ; in Brussels it is 36th (508 people) ; in Flanders 63d (5.051 people) and in Wallonia it has no place in the first 100.
Source : FOD Economie - Algemene Directie Statistiek en Economische Informatie, Bevolkingsstatistieken.
War memories of a four year old
These must be among my earliest memories :
one night we were awakened by terrible continuing rumblings. The earth trembled. We fled out of our house just like the rest of the village did and we saw the whole sky a deep red glow to the NorthWest. Later we learned that we had seen the bombardment of Merelbeke railroad station, where, unfortunately, a major part of the load fell on the surrounding houses. A terrifying experience seen from more than 40 km away in Okegem. The date was April 10 1944.
one night we were awakened by terrible continuing rumblings. The earth trembled. We fled out of our house just like the rest of the village did and we saw the whole sky a deep red glow to the NorthWest. Later we learned that we had seen the bombardment of Merelbeke railroad station, where, unfortunately, a major part of the load fell on the surrounding houses. A terrifying experience seen from more than 40 km away in Okegem. The date was April 10 1944.
We lived in a a very small house in a row that opened up unto a courtyard. There my father and the neighbours built a dirt shelter covered with some planks and more dirt. Each time there was an alert we dived into that hole, water sloshing around our feet and the stink of cat piss in our nose. A direct hit would have gotten us all, but fortunately we were spared.
I remember that early in September 1944 my grandfather was working in his field and we were playing around "helping" him when the first Allied tanks appeared between the oak trees on the Aalst - Ninove road about 500 m to a km away. We crossed across the fields in the hope of tasting our first chocolade ever - grandfather gave us the idea, we did not even know what chocolate was - but came too late. Ninove was liberated on September 3 by the English, Tommies as we called them affectionately.**************
Probably a couple of days later there was a very young, unarmed German soldier who had been left behind or was lost. He had to run for his life. A numerous mob chased him up the Kattestraat, armed with knives, sticks, axes and all kinds of agricultural tools. Fortunately, almost at the limit of the village, two gendarmes, coming from Ninove, happened by and arrested the boy. I tremble to think what might have happened if the gendarmes had not passed by ...**************
Monday January 1 1945 was a bitterly cold day with a clear blue sky. We heard stuttering engines and saw parachutists jumping out of a plane which crashed in the fields a couple of kilometers away near the Kipsteekbos. As an adult I doubted for years whether this was a memory or a dream, until I found the confirmation in an article by Achiel Anthoens in "Mededelingen Heemkring Okegem 2004, nr 4, p 110 - 112". I even got the day and the weather right !
Eight crew members jumped out of the bomber and one of them was injured by the jump. As the crashing plane touched some trees it was badly damaged and pieces were scattered all around. Fortunately the bomb hold was completely empty. Soon there was a guard of eight to ten soldiers but, after they left, the plane was further dismantled by the locals, including my grandfather, I'm sorry to say (my younger brother and I were there with him). Much later the rest of the plane was cleared up by scrap merchants. Unfortunately, the story doesn't report the make or the origin of the four engine plane. Given that it was a daytime raid, it probably was American. Further information is very welcome.
Earlier that same day, we came back from my father's parents in Meerbeke and leaving Ninove at a place called De Doorn a dead, completely frozen, sparrow lay on the side walk, close to a German road sign for "Brüssel". The roadsign has been visible until quite recently, and 62 years later, I still see that dead sparrow ...
Kids !
Kids !
local history
My closest family

This blog contains an earlier picture of my parents with me in 1941. Since then, my parents had a second son ; we lived through the war ; my maternal grandmother passed away in 1949 ; a daughter was born ; my mother had major surgery, cloistering her to bed for about 18 months ; and my paternal grandfather passed away late in 1953.
My father had his full time job in the gendarmerie plus the care for his three children. Fortunately, my little sister was taken care of by my mother's brother and his family for a considerable spell of time, and my father got some help from a neighbour at Ledeberg-Ghent where we then lived. How he would have coped without them, I don't know : even so it must have been pure calvary for him from time to time.
Compare this picture of my parents with the previous one, taken some 12 years earlier, and look at the marks of time left by a war and a lot of health problems.
Run, rabbit, run !

An old poem, a modern feeling : fear, hurry and stress.
Een Perzisch Edelman:
Van morgen ijlt mijn tuinman, wit van schrik,
Mijn woning in: "Heer, Heer, één ogenblik!
Ginds, in de rooshof, snoeide ik loot na loot,
Toen keek ik achter mij. Daar stond de Dood.
Ik schrok, en haastte mij langs de andere kant,
Maar zag nog juist de dreiging van zijn hand.
Meester, uw paard, en laat mij spoorslags gaan,
Voor de avond nog bereik ik Ispahaan!" -
Van middag (lang reeds was hij heengespoed)
Heb ik in 't cederpark de Dood ontmoet.
"Waarom," zo vraag ik, want hij wacht en zwijgt,
"Hebt gij van morgen vroeg mijn knecht gedreigd?"
Glimlachend antwoordt hij: "Geen dreiging was 't,
Waarvoor uw tuinman vlood. Ik was verrast,
Toen 'k 's morgens hier nog stil aan 't werk zag staan,
Die 'k 's avonds halen moest in Ispahaan."
"De Tuinman en de Dood" by Pieter Nicolaas van Eyck (1887-1954)
Een Perzisch Edelman:
Van morgen ijlt mijn tuinman, wit van schrik,
Mijn woning in: "Heer, Heer, één ogenblik!
Ginds, in de rooshof, snoeide ik loot na loot,
Toen keek ik achter mij. Daar stond de Dood.
Ik schrok, en haastte mij langs de andere kant,
Maar zag nog juist de dreiging van zijn hand.
Meester, uw paard, en laat mij spoorslags gaan,
Voor de avond nog bereik ik Ispahaan!" -
Van middag (lang reeds was hij heengespoed)
Heb ik in 't cederpark de Dood ontmoet.
"Waarom," zo vraag ik, want hij wacht en zwijgt,
"Hebt gij van morgen vroeg mijn knecht gedreigd?"
Glimlachend antwoordt hij: "Geen dreiging was 't,
Waarvoor uw tuinman vlood. Ik was verrast,
Toen 'k 's morgens hier nog stil aan 't werk zag staan,
Die 'k 's avonds halen moest in Ispahaan."
"De Tuinman en de Dood" by Pieter Nicolaas van Eyck (1887-1954)
German management

"Of course I said you should develop critical thoughts. But I never ever said you should express them too !"
Been there, seen it ...
Found on the web at http://www.kritische-wirtschaftswissenschaften.de/Material/ecke.htm
contrarian joke,
Mijn vadertje
Mijn vadertje, hij was rechtvaardigheid.
Hij had de zware last op zich geladen,
een eerlijk man te zijn in woord en daad.
Dat is het schone, dwaze kwaad waar,
na ons Here Jezus Christus,
de sterkste man aan ondergaat.
(Marnix Gysen)
My father

This is probably the first picture of my father and mother with their firstborn (me) and must have been taken early in 1941.
My father Petrus Joannes Timmermans (born at Meerbeke on October 14 1913 - died at Ghent on April 20 1980) had a very hard life, but he fully and consequently devoted it to his wife and children to a degree "far beyond the call of duty" as the Americans say.
Before the world war he worked with his father in their carrosserie work shop at Meerbeke as well as for various bosses in Brussels. During the war he was a member of the armed resistance Fidelio - I still treasure his pin - and after the war he entered the gendarmerie (state police) until he retired. His work as a gendarme is also the reason why our family left Okegem and moved to Ghent. My younger brother and myself were born at Okegem, my sister was born in Ghent.
During the second World War, my father fought for his country : Belgium, not Flanders, first as a soldier, then as a resistant of the first hour. When he was buried the Belgian, not the Flemish flag, was draped over his coffin and the Belgian national hymn was played when his remains left the church for the last time. He lived for his family and his country.
My father has been my example and my best friend. He passed away much too soon.
What ?
There are no certainties (or is it certitudes ?) left in this world.
A couple of months ago "Comme chez soi", the Brussels food temple, lost its third Michelin star. The news shook the Belgian gastronomical community to the core. Now, the Veulemans family sells its world famous "Aux Armes de Bruxelles" restaurant to Flo, a French restaurant group, in which our national billionaire Albert Frère has a stake. I'm sure that all my foreign readers, who have been over here, have lunched or dined at least once in that culinary temple. For the time being, Laurent Veulemans will continue to manage the place.
Then there is talk about a take over by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of the Wall Street Journal, the world's premier evangelist of free market capitalism ...
and Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, top guy at the International Monetary Fund, warns that the present merger fever may turn into a danger for financial stability because of rising interest rates.
The end of the world must be near ...
A couple of months ago "Comme chez soi", the Brussels food temple, lost its third Michelin star. The news shook the Belgian gastronomical community to the core. Now, the Veulemans family sells its world famous "Aux Armes de Bruxelles" restaurant to Flo, a French restaurant group, in which our national billionaire Albert Frère has a stake. I'm sure that all my foreign readers, who have been over here, have lunched or dined at least once in that culinary temple. For the time being, Laurent Veulemans will continue to manage the place.
Then there is talk about a take over by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch of the Wall Street Journal, the world's premier evangelist of free market capitalism ...
and Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo, top guy at the International Monetary Fund, warns that the present merger fever may turn into a danger for financial stability because of rising interest rates.
The end of the world must be near ...
Stemplicht ?
Stemrecht is een fundamenteel recht waarvoor onze voorouders lang en bitter gestreden hebben tegen de "gevestigde belangen" van hun tijd.
Stemplicht, of eigenlijk opkomstplicht (want in het stemhokje doet ieder wat hij wil - stemmen of niet) is in mijn ogen een ongezonde uitwas van de democratie. Zij geeft politiekers een goed gevoel, want iedereen - van prins tot dakloze zwerver - speelt mee. Zij zorgt ook voor stapels proteststemmen.Voor mij hoeft het deze keer echt niet, want - om telkens verschillende redenen - kan ik voor geen enkele partij stemmen. Allemaal hebben ze wel een of ander punt in hun programma dat voor mij echt niet door de beugel kan. Ik word niet graag in een kastje geduwd en niemand kan mij verplichten compromissen te sluiten. Mijn gang naar het stemlokaal komt dus enkel mijn lichamelijke conditie ten goede.
Bij vrije opkomst zouden “onze vertegenwoordigers” eindelijk eens kunnen zien wie er echt in hun bollenwinkel geinteresserd is. Voor mij volstaat het om te weten dat ik kan gaan stemmen wanneer ik het werkelijk nodig acht.
Laat ons vrij te kiezen of we onze “staatsburgerlijke plicht” al dan niet gaan uitoefenen !
Laat ons voor één keer een voorbeeld nemen aan Nederland !
For my foreign readers : I stated that - for various reasons - and although I cherish the right to vote - I do not like to be obliged to vote.
contrarian comments,
My grandfather and godfather Pieter Jozef Timmermans passed away on a misty, chilly winter day, December 4 1953. I still see us sitting at his kitchen table unbolstering (if that is the right word) the corn cobs which he had harvested some days before, when my father came in to tell us that his father had died in the hospital (I don't remember which - there were two) in Ninove.
A mighty oak felled in a couple of months ...
His wife Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst followed him on December 2 1973 - twently years less two days later - she died in the University Clinic in Ghent.
I was born on December 3 1940.
A mighty oak felled in a couple of months ...
His wife Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst followed him on December 2 1973 - twently years less two days later - she died in the University Clinic in Ghent.
I was born on December 3 1940.
Een oude foto en een mysterie opgelost
(Foto volgt)
Op de foto staat mijn moeder’s grootvader, Felix De Vidts (Pamel 12 april 1853 – Pamel 8 juni 1940) en mijn grootmoeder aan vader’s kant Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst (Meerbeke 20 maart 1892 – Gent 2 december 1973). De (slechte) foto werd gemaakt ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van mijn ouders op 22 juli 1939.
Mijn moeder wist dat ze “verre familie” was van mijn vader, maar ze wist niet (meer) hoe : ze ontmoette mijn vader op de begrafenis van haar oudste broer, mijn nonkel Kamiel Neukermans in 1935. Mijn vader was daar met zijn moeder en een “tante” van zijn moeder.
Tientallen keren heb ik mijn moeder ondervraagd en de interessante artikels in het Davidsfondsklokje van Pamel uitgespit – zonder succes. De laatste persoon die wist hoe de vork aan de steel zat was mijn vader’s moeder (zoals gemeld gestorven in 1973) en zoals we allen weten : ieder mens die sterft is een museum dat brandt.
Bij mijn eerste bezoek aan het Rijksarchief te Beveren, een paar jaar geleden, zocht ik vooral aan mijn vader’s kant – voor mijn moeder was een groot deel al opgezocht o.a. door haar broer Eugeen, die ons een paar jaar geleden ontviel.
Daar stelde ik toevallig vast dat de grootmoeder van mijn vader’s moeder Antonia De Vidts heette en dat ze uit Pamel kwam. Ik liet alles vallen en inderdaad, het mysterie was snel opgelost. Zij was een oudere zus van mijn moeder’s grootvader Felix De Vidts die zelf een “achterkomelingske” was.
Dus :
Mijn vader Petrus Joannes Timmermans (Meerbeke 14 october 1913 – Sint Amandsberg 20 april 1980)
Zijn ouders : Pieter Jozef Timmermans (Meerbeke 18 augustus 1886 – Ninove 4 december 1953) X Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst (data : zie hierboven)
Haar ouders : Petrus Joannes Ravijst (Nieuwenhove 1 januari 1861 – Meerbeke 21 januari 1944) X Joanna Maria De Schepper (Meerbeke 18 juli 1864 – Meerbeke 9 januari 1890)
Haar ouders : Ludovicus De Schepper (Meerbeke 15 juni 1833 – ...) X Antonia De Vidts (Pamel 17 mei 1840 – ...).
Mijn moeder : Margaretha Felicitas Neukermans (Okegem 8 juni 1914 – Sint Amandsberg 26 september 2000)
Haar ouders : Joannes Franciscus Neukermans (Okegem 24 december 1886 – Aalst 1 juli 1961) X Maria Antonia De Vidts (Pamel 31 januari 1885 – Okegem 25 september 1949)
Haar ouders : Felix De Vidts (zie hierboven) X Blondina Muylaert (Denderhoutem 4 juni 1849 – Pamel 10 februari 1942).
Antonia De Vidts was het derde kind van Joannes De Vidts (Pamel 25 januari 1811 – Pamel 28 augustus 1881) en van Maria Elisabeth Van der Sleyen (Pamel 9 mei 1811 – Pamel 22 juli 1860).
Felix was hun achtste en laatste kind. De drie kinderen voor hem (een naamloos, Benedictus en Jan Baptist) stierven jong – vanwaar het gezegde dat hij een achterkomelinkske was. Gezien de relatief jonge leeftijd van Felix bij het overlijden van zijn moeder – ongeveer zeven jaar - werd hij grotendeels mede door zijn oudere zusters opgevoed.
Op de foto staat mijn moeder’s grootvader, Felix De Vidts (Pamel 12 april 1853 – Pamel 8 juni 1940) en mijn grootmoeder aan vader’s kant Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst (Meerbeke 20 maart 1892 – Gent 2 december 1973). De (slechte) foto werd gemaakt ter gelegenheid van het huwelijk van mijn ouders op 22 juli 1939.
Mijn moeder wist dat ze “verre familie” was van mijn vader, maar ze wist niet (meer) hoe : ze ontmoette mijn vader op de begrafenis van haar oudste broer, mijn nonkel Kamiel Neukermans in 1935. Mijn vader was daar met zijn moeder en een “tante” van zijn moeder.
Tientallen keren heb ik mijn moeder ondervraagd en de interessante artikels in het Davidsfondsklokje van Pamel uitgespit – zonder succes. De laatste persoon die wist hoe de vork aan de steel zat was mijn vader’s moeder (zoals gemeld gestorven in 1973) en zoals we allen weten : ieder mens die sterft is een museum dat brandt.
Bij mijn eerste bezoek aan het Rijksarchief te Beveren, een paar jaar geleden, zocht ik vooral aan mijn vader’s kant – voor mijn moeder was een groot deel al opgezocht o.a. door haar broer Eugeen, die ons een paar jaar geleden ontviel.
Daar stelde ik toevallig vast dat de grootmoeder van mijn vader’s moeder Antonia De Vidts heette en dat ze uit Pamel kwam. Ik liet alles vallen en inderdaad, het mysterie was snel opgelost. Zij was een oudere zus van mijn moeder’s grootvader Felix De Vidts die zelf een “achterkomelingske” was.
Dus :
Mijn vader Petrus Joannes Timmermans (Meerbeke 14 october 1913 – Sint Amandsberg 20 april 1980)
Zijn ouders : Pieter Jozef Timmermans (Meerbeke 18 augustus 1886 – Ninove 4 december 1953) X Rosalia Margaretha Ravijst (data : zie hierboven)
Haar ouders : Petrus Joannes Ravijst (Nieuwenhove 1 januari 1861 – Meerbeke 21 januari 1944) X Joanna Maria De Schepper (Meerbeke 18 juli 1864 – Meerbeke 9 januari 1890)
Haar ouders : Ludovicus De Schepper (Meerbeke 15 juni 1833 – ...) X Antonia De Vidts (Pamel 17 mei 1840 – ...).
Mijn moeder : Margaretha Felicitas Neukermans (Okegem 8 juni 1914 – Sint Amandsberg 26 september 2000)
Haar ouders : Joannes Franciscus Neukermans (Okegem 24 december 1886 – Aalst 1 juli 1961) X Maria Antonia De Vidts (Pamel 31 januari 1885 – Okegem 25 september 1949)
Haar ouders : Felix De Vidts (zie hierboven) X Blondina Muylaert (Denderhoutem 4 juni 1849 – Pamel 10 februari 1942).
Antonia De Vidts was het derde kind van Joannes De Vidts (Pamel 25 januari 1811 – Pamel 28 augustus 1881) en van Maria Elisabeth Van der Sleyen (Pamel 9 mei 1811 – Pamel 22 juli 1860).
Felix was hun achtste en laatste kind. De drie kinderen voor hem (een naamloos, Benedictus en Jan Baptist) stierven jong – vanwaar het gezegde dat hij een achterkomelinkske was. Gezien de relatief jonge leeftijd van Felix bij het overlijden van zijn moeder – ongeveer zeven jaar - werd hij grotendeels mede door zijn oudere zusters opgevoed.
De Schepper,
De Vidts,
Van der Sleyen
Acht Juni ...
Mijn moeder's verjaardag.
Uit mijn kwartierstaat - in chronologische volgorde :
Jacoba Van Leefdaal (oudbetovergrootmoeder) overleed op 8 Juni 1721.
Margaretha Felicitas Neukermans (mijn moeder) werd geboren op 8 Juni 1914.
Felix De Vidts (mijn overgrootvader) overleed op 8 Juni 1940, ongeveer een half jaar voor mijn geboorte.
Een paar dagen later kwam mijn vader ook terug thuis te Okegem na de 18daagse veldtocht. Ik meen mij te herinneren dat mijn moeder zei dat ze gedurende de begrafenismis verwittigd werd dat mijn vader terug was - een grote vreugde en een groot verdriet op dezelfde dag.
Mijn vader werd gevangen genomen na de slag aan de Leie en werd vrijgelaten in de omgeving van Maubeuge (Frankrijk) van waar hij te voet naar huis kwam.
(Op mijn moeder's gedachtenisprentje staat foutief 6 juni als geboortedag - niemand had de fout opgemerkt ...)
Uit mijn kwartierstaat - in chronologische volgorde :
Jacoba Van Leefdaal (oudbetovergrootmoeder) overleed op 8 Juni 1721.
Margaretha Felicitas Neukermans (mijn moeder) werd geboren op 8 Juni 1914.
Felix De Vidts (mijn overgrootvader) overleed op 8 Juni 1940, ongeveer een half jaar voor mijn geboorte.
Een paar dagen later kwam mijn vader ook terug thuis te Okegem na de 18daagse veldtocht. Ik meen mij te herinneren dat mijn moeder zei dat ze gedurende de begrafenismis verwittigd werd dat mijn vader terug was - een grote vreugde en een groot verdriet op dezelfde dag.
Mijn vader werd gevangen genomen na de slag aan de Leie en werd vrijgelaten in de omgeving van Maubeuge (Frankrijk) van waar hij te voet naar huis kwam.
(Op mijn moeder's gedachtenisprentje staat foutief 6 juni als geboortedag - niemand had de fout opgemerkt ...)
A common name

I have been blessed with a very common name, which does not facilitate research.
With a less common name one can often assume that people bearing the same name in a given region are related to one another. This would be a very dangerous assumption for people bearing my name. Almost every village had its carpenter(s) – and for many of them Timmerman(s), Temmerman a.s.o. became the family name without any blood link between the various families.
The name is particularly frequent in Vlaams Brabant, Antwerpen and Limburg as well as in the southern part of the Netherlands.
Keynes said that in the long term we're all dead. Of course, in the long term we're all related too - in my links I have added a couple of sites on that subject. But in the historical period that most of us can document (up to the 16th - 17th century) we like to know who our direct forebears were.
Genealogy helps us to find them, but also helps us to understand that all mankind is one very big family. If only we could behave accordingly.
Spreading of family names in Belgium : http://www.familienamen.be/.
I enjoyed having the site meter installed last Friday. "Alle begin is moeilijk" and I get some 10 hits per day (I have deactivated the counter for my own hits). I already had one hit from Sta Inez, Southern California and two from Florida, one from Madrid, Spain and one from ... Columbia (South America) - no address.
But the locations given by the sitemeter are rather weird : I reportedly live in Aalst (I saw that before I deactivated the counter for my own hits), and some people I know well live in Zandhoven, Antwerp instead of in Gentbrugge ... Poor marksmanship !
But the locations given by the sitemeter are rather weird : I reportedly live in Aalst (I saw that before I deactivated the counter for my own hits), and some people I know well live in Zandhoven, Antwerp instead of in Gentbrugge ... Poor marksmanship !
Years ago ... in december 1996 ...

... I reacted to an article in the Wall Street Journal. The best parts were not published, but here follows a copy of some excerpts which were published.
Your editorial ... beats everything I have read recently, even in the Belgian press, which is not known for its high levels of professionalism. Apparently, being "free market" is enough to be forgiven everything else. ... Belgium 's problems are deeply serious, and may appear terminal to some. We have enormous problems to solve in the social, judicial, political and economic fields. The system appears highly corrupt, and its political class cowardly blind, ignoring the problems until they explode in their faces. ... Belgium needs to renovate its system and its society; to get rid of extremists on the left and on the right. There is no question about that. Some people believe that splitting the small dot on the map called Belgium into three smaller dots will solve these problems. At least one of the resulting midget states is expected to be better managed than Belgium is now. Surveys show that the "silent majority" of Belgians do not want this. However, political leaders continue to ignore this, and even conservatives are starting to fall into the separatist trap. Moreover, our political ring leaders do not have the courage to consult their constituencies on this and quarreling about splitting Belgium helps them avoid addressing the real issues facing the country. What worries me most is that all arguments that can feed the separatist mill are considered valid and common sense appears to have evaporated. It started in the Flemish political class and is now spreading in Wallonia, too. It is true that we are deeply dissatisfied with the political class that governs us, but those who believe that the same people will build better conditions in smaller states are utterly wrong.
Almost eleven years later, and one week before federal elections, has anything changed ?
Geplet tussen laïcisme en multiculturalisme
Een interessant artikel van Miel Swillens over de houding van de intelligentia tegenover christendom en islam.
"De intellectuele elite vertoont blijkbaar een opvallend gebrek aan ruggengraat wanneer zij wordt geconfronteerd met een zelfverzekerde - en potentieel gevaarlijke - tegenstander. Ze is zelfs bereid tot concessies aan de islam, die ze verontwaardigd van de hand zou wijzen indien het om het christendom zou gaan."
"Net nu Europa in volle identiteiscrisis verkeert en nood heeft aan bezinning over haar historische grondlagen, pleegt onze intelligentia vluchtmisdrijf. Het Europa dat deze elite voor ogen staat, is niet alleen een Europa zonder geografische grenzen, maar ook een Europa zonder verleden, zonder traditie."
Voor de volledige tekst, klik :
"De intellectuele elite vertoont blijkbaar een opvallend gebrek aan ruggengraat wanneer zij wordt geconfronteerd met een zelfverzekerde - en potentieel gevaarlijke - tegenstander. Ze is zelfs bereid tot concessies aan de islam, die ze verontwaardigd van de hand zou wijzen indien het om het christendom zou gaan."
"Net nu Europa in volle identiteiscrisis verkeert en nood heeft aan bezinning over haar historische grondlagen, pleegt onze intelligentia vluchtmisdrijf. Het Europa dat deze elite voor ogen staat, is niet alleen een Europa zonder geografische grenzen, maar ook een Europa zonder verleden, zonder traditie."
Voor de volledige tekst, klik :
Family names in my ancestor chart
Familienamen die ik tot nu toe in mijn kwartierstaat gevonden heb (ik heb het meestal bij een enkele schrijfwijze gehouden).
De Bavedamme
De Beer
De Beys
De Boeck
De Brabander
De Bronckhorst
De Buttere
De Clercq
De Cuyper
De Dier
De Dobbeleer
De Doncker
De Gavre
De Gooik
De Hauterive
De Herbais
De Hertoghe
De Herzelles
De Kegel
De Keyzer
De Leenere
De Leeuw
De Loese
De Meij
De Mesmaecker
De Meyere
De Mol
De Moor
De Pottere
De Putter
De Quick
De Ridder
De Ro
De Rode
De Rosoy en Tirasce
De Sancto Gaugerico
De Sart
De Schepper
De Schrevel
De Sicclers
De Smet
De Somer
De Succre
De Trooster
De Troyer
De Vianen
De Vidts
De Vleeschouwer
De Vleminck
De Wargnies
De Winne
Goossens van Alsinghen
Sint Goericx
Van Aarschot van Schoonhoven
Van Abcoude
Van Bijgaarden
Van Boterdael
Van Callenberghe
Van Cariloo
Van Caulaert
Van Cauwelaert
Van Cutsem
Van de Maele
Van de Perre
Van de Sype
Van de Voorde
Van den Abeele
Van den Berghe
Van den Hauwe
Van den Heuvel
Van den Houte
Van den Stock
Van den Waterloop
Van den Waterscape
Van der Burcht
Van der Elst
Van der Eycken
Van der Haegen
Van der Hellen
Van der Heyden
Van der Kelen
Van der Meeren
Van der Moyen
Van der Poorten
Van der Slagmolen
Van der Sleyen
Van der Smessen
Van der Speeten
Van der Straeten
Van Deurne
Van Doerne
Van Drongelen
Van Droogenbroeck
Van Duest
Van Eeckhoudt
Van Eesbeke
Van Elmpt
Van Gaesbeke
Van Geet
Van Gheenderdeuren
Van Goethem
Van Haesden
Van Herlaer
Van Herreweghe
Van Kesterbeke
Van Laetem
Van Leefdael
Van Leeuw
Van Lierde
Van Loenhout
Van Londerzele
Van Molenbeke
Van Motte
Van Muylem
Van Neyen
Van Nieuwenhove
Van Oorseel
Van Opdenbosch
Van Overstraeten
Van Pede
Van Percke
Van Poucke
Van Ranst
Van Reven
Van Stalle
Van Steenstraeten
Van Tricht
Van Tuijll van Serooskerke
Van Vliënborch
Van Waes
Van Wesenborge
Van Westerholt
Van Wilre
Van Winterbeke
Van Woluwe
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in some of these names.
De Bavedamme
De Beer
De Beys
De Boeck
De Brabander
De Bronckhorst
De Buttere
De Clercq
De Cuyper
De Dier
De Dobbeleer
De Doncker
De Gavre
De Gooik
De Hauterive
De Herbais
De Hertoghe
De Herzelles
De Kegel
De Keyzer
De Leenere
De Leeuw
De Loese
De Meij
De Mesmaecker
De Meyere
De Mol
De Moor
De Pottere
De Putter
De Quick
De Ridder
De Ro
De Rode
De Rosoy en Tirasce
De Sancto Gaugerico
De Sart
De Schepper
De Schrevel
De Sicclers
De Smet
De Somer
De Succre
De Trooster
De Troyer
De Vianen
De Vidts
De Vleeschouwer
De Vleminck
De Wargnies
De Winne
Goossens van Alsinghen
Sint Goericx
Van Aarschot van Schoonhoven
Van Abcoude
Van Bijgaarden
Van Boterdael
Van Callenberghe
Van Cariloo
Van Caulaert
Van Cauwelaert
Van Cutsem
Van de Maele
Van de Perre
Van de Sype
Van de Voorde
Van den Abeele
Van den Berghe
Van den Hauwe
Van den Heuvel
Van den Houte
Van den Stock
Van den Waterloop
Van den Waterscape
Van der Burcht
Van der Elst
Van der Eycken
Van der Haegen
Van der Hellen
Van der Heyden
Van der Kelen
Van der Meeren
Van der Moyen
Van der Poorten
Van der Slagmolen
Van der Sleyen
Van der Smessen
Van der Speeten
Van der Straeten
Van Deurne
Van Doerne
Van Drongelen
Van Droogenbroeck
Van Duest
Van Eeckhoudt
Van Eesbeke
Van Elmpt
Van Gaesbeke
Van Geet
Van Gheenderdeuren
Van Goethem
Van Haesden
Van Herlaer
Van Herreweghe
Van Kesterbeke
Van Laetem
Van Leefdael
Van Leeuw
Van Lierde
Van Loenhout
Van Londerzele
Van Molenbeke
Van Motte
Van Muylem
Van Neyen
Van Nieuwenhove
Van Oorseel
Van Opdenbosch
Van Overstraeten
Van Pede
Van Percke
Van Poucke
Van Ranst
Van Reven
Van Stalle
Van Steenstraeten
Van Tricht
Van Tuijll van Serooskerke
Van Vliënborch
Van Waes
Van Wesenborge
Van Westerholt
Van Wilre
Van Winterbeke
Van Woluwe
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in some of these names.
Een tussendoortje ?
Vraag in De Standaard Forum op 30 mei :
Beïnvloeden verkiezingsdebatten uw stemgedrag?
De verkiezingsdebatten op de openbare en de commerciële omroep draaien op volle toeren. Volgt u ze? Leert u er iets uit? En hebben ze een invloed op uw stemgedrag? Houdt u bijvoorbeeld rekening met wat politici er al dan niet zeggen of verklaren?
Op 31 mei antwoordt Paul Timmermans :

In geen geval - Ik heb wel wat beters te doen dan daar naar te kijken - zelfs grassprieten tellen is boeiender en leerrijker.
Een vriendelijke dame beaamt op 1 juni : klopt - en het is een stuk makkelijker om de pakweg 15 verschillende soorten gras in uw tuin uiteen te houden dan om nog wijs te geraken uit het politieke gekonkel van tegenwoordig.
Ai !
Beïnvloeden verkiezingsdebatten uw stemgedrag?
De verkiezingsdebatten op de openbare en de commerciële omroep draaien op volle toeren. Volgt u ze? Leert u er iets uit? En hebben ze een invloed op uw stemgedrag? Houdt u bijvoorbeeld rekening met wat politici er al dan niet zeggen of verklaren?
Op 31 mei antwoordt Paul Timmermans :

In geen geval - Ik heb wel wat beters te doen dan daar naar te kijken - zelfs grassprieten tellen is boeiender en leerrijker.
Een vriendelijke dame beaamt op 1 juni : klopt - en het is een stuk makkelijker om de pakweg 15 verschillende soorten gras in uw tuin uiteen te houden dan om nog wijs te geraken uit het politieke gekonkel van tegenwoordig.
Ai !
contrarian comments
Murphy reigns ...
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
- Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
- He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
- When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.
- Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
- I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.
- Honk if you love peace and quiet.
Living and the cost of it
- Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?
- It is hard to understand how a cemetery can raise its burial costs and blame it on the higher cost of living.
- Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.
- A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
- I wished the buck stopped here, as I could use a few.
- The 50-50-90 rule : anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
And just remember .. if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
(adapted from txt2nite.com).
- Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
- Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
- He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
- When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty.
- Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
- I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.
- Honk if you love peace and quiet.
Living and the cost of it
- Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?
- It is hard to understand how a cemetery can raise its burial costs and blame it on the higher cost of living.
- Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.
- A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
- I wished the buck stopped here, as I could use a few.
- The 50-50-90 rule : anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
And just remember .. if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
(adapted from txt2nite.com).
contrarian joke
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