There is nothing new under the sun. Peter Brueghel the Older already knew it : big fish eat small fish. Fish eat because they are hungry and want to survive - but eventually they die.
Corporations are very much like fish : they have two major motives to grow :
greed (ever higher profitability) and fear (growth as a way to avoid being gobbled up by even bigger or more aggressive players). In my view, all other explanations are window dressing exercises. And damn the human and social consequences.
One of my favourite artists ver: Peter Brueghel (he and Bosch). What a conicidink that you pick this pic.
an old view of a modern fact of life ... unfortunately.
What a wonderful piece of art!
Is it a painting or a drawing?
That is a drawing. Probably ink on parchment. Brueghel is indeed top, but Bosch is out of this world!
Hi, Lebbercherrie, nice to meet you. Actually, there are various copies (three at least I think) of this drawing. Ink on paper I think.
One of the copies is in the Albertina in Vienna.
Hey Pablo, I've been thinking about how this piece of work was created, and my more thought-trough answer would be an etch. This would also explain the number of identical copies.
Don't know the Albertina in Vienna, only the one in Brussels.
Hallo Lebbercherrie I will not discuss etch or drawing - you very probably know that much better than I do and I just wrote down what I found on the web (an unforgivable mistake !! I forgot to be a contrarian for a minute or two ...).
But there is an Albertina in Vienna.
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