De Vidts, Pamel

The earliest documented De Vidts in my family tree is Gheeraert De Vidts, who lived in the 16th century. Up to now, I know almost nothing about him.
His son Joannes was born around 1560 and died on June 23 1629. He married Catharina Lauwerijs and they had at least two children.
The De Vidts name (with all its variations) is one of the oldest in Pamel.
I have been more than fortunate to have the help of Mrs Rita Van Isveldt, author of the Familyreunion Pamel-Roosdaal site and of "Gezinsreconstructie gemeente Pamel 1792 -1900". In reality, all the data concerning my Pamel ancestors had already been prepared by her - I just had to copy them. Thanks again, Rita.

How easy it is too write that Joannes De Vidts was born about 1560 and died in 1629 : he lived through one of the most turbulent, cruel and bloody periods in our very turbulent history.
I'll come back to this subject .....

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